to think, we're insulted bny a bsutyoid little 13 year lod. Ok, he looked like h3 2as 132 but was probably 17 from the unicversity of sydney.
so yeah, spam, myself abd snoopster got into this slanging match and wiped the floor with this little sh!t. So yeah, we'rebacka nd we're spamming excpect the three of us and we will spam you.
stpid 17 year olds without any kind aof a comeback
so we also gossiped about wotmanaicas anbd we maede fun of some of you and said some of yoiu were hot. Some of you weren't and hey some of you are dicsk adn some of you know who you are
so suck sapm, myself, snoop sand I had a great time tonight, SUCK SPAM!
he'd enjoy it
I tore him to shreds. Dude! I am the man. No thirteen yearold can compete with me
Prepare to experience the fury of ...