Hello all. I'm new to the site, as in i posted before but that was years ago. I'm back for a while now and thought it proper to intoduce myself. I'm Snick (yes i know the nickname sounds a bit dumb, but i've had it since i was a kid, please be merciful!) anyway, my first question is (actually my only question for now) is if anyone here is from St. John's Newfoundland. It seems that there is a shortage of fans here as in i've only personally met 3 all of whom got in to the books through my incessant ramblings about them and finally decided to read them to shut me up. So if there are, i would like a response from you, or anyone for that matter. Tell me the 4 of us are not alone up here!
Thanks for listening (or reading as the case may be)
Drunken master of the shadowy shores of the Rock