Active Users:380 Time:14/03/2025 04:47:27 AM
Very sad indeed. Taardad Maiden - 10/04/2004 06:50:57 PM

Erica, I don't have experience to share with you, just sympathy. I know you aren't looking for that per se, but I know that you of all people will be able to help these others through it. Your personality and kindness are infectious, and even if you don't think your words matter, they really really do. So *hugs* Good luck, I know it will work out. And I'm sorry to hear about the death.

[lots of hugs back] Thanks, Gena. Sometimes it feels like I'm not helping much at all, cos everyone just keeps crying and crying. I know that's silly, it's just hard to gauge if I'm really helping. I want to give them ALL as much time off as they want, but that's just not possible. [sighs] The funeral has been set for Monday, my day off, so I can at least cover the store so that the other two managers can attend, and I can bring a few of my former employees from my old store in to get the shift taken care of. So it all works out, I guess. [smiles]

Morik The Thief: something that might amuse you... I think I pissed off a customer
Morik The Thief: as there was a package at work delivered to a Miss G Edwards
Morik The Thief: for bladder control underwear


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A Death at Work. - 10/04/2004 12:33:02 AM 191 Views
- 10/04/2004 12:46:46 AM 27 Views
[smiles wanly] - 10/04/2004 12:49:51 AM 19 Views
Well... - 10/04/2004 12:48:11 AM 35 Views
[nods] - 10/04/2004 01:06:48 AM 21 Views
I agree. - 10/04/2004 01:11:04 AM 17 Views
I'm sorry to hear that... - 10/04/2004 12:55:28 AM 21 Views
[hugs] Thanks, Jen - 10/04/2004 01:12:22 AM 20 Views
Its the small actions that matter to people. - 10/04/2004 01:27:33 AM 26 Views
You're absolutely right, Greg. - 10/04/2004 09:03:27 AM 15 Views
I totally agree - 10/04/2004 09:57:58 AM 18 Views
People - as always. - 10/04/2004 02:27:09 AM 17 Views
Re: People - as always. - 10/04/2004 09:10:07 AM 11 Views
Being a manager sucks, sometimes. *hugs* - 10/04/2004 04:55:22 AM 18 Views
Thanks, Ben - 10/04/2004 09:12:28 AM 14 Views
it sounds like you are doing well enduring it - 10/04/2004 10:42:16 AM 16 Views
[gives wadsy a smile] - 10/04/2004 06:42:39 PM 9 Views
how sad - 10/04/2004 12:47:46 PM 16 Views
Very sad indeed. - 10/04/2004 06:50:57 PM 15 Views
*hugs* *NM* - 11/04/2004 07:15:48 PM 10 Views
Erica, seriously... - 10/04/2004 01:22:10 PM 21 Views
Oh Cory... I think you give me too much credit! - 10/04/2004 06:55:25 PM 15 Views
Nah, I think he's got you pretty well pegged. *NM* - 11/04/2004 03:00:49 AM 9 Views
*hugs* *NM* - 10/04/2004 10:12:31 PM 9 Views
[Gives you a big, long hug back] *NM* - 10/04/2004 10:52:10 PM 8 Views