Just an advertising piece for one of the countless political books that will be released this year. Half of them say Bush lied and is evil, the other half that he is great and wonderful.
As to your questions:
This article does not bother me at all. There is no evidence presented either way. He takes statements out of context, which show nothing, adds his own interpretation to them (which is then not backed up in anyway), all just to make political points and try and improve sales of a book.
in spite of the fact that many others have already basically said the same thing you wont believe it? Others who were in the administration? You're following their spin on all of this hook line and sinker. I'm actually quite surprised that some people think they weren't misled on the Iraq war.
No - does anyone?
No I do not for the reasons highlighted above.
Hmmm bit of a leading question.
Do I think the war in Iraq was the right thing to do? Yes.
Does my view change seeing as no WMD have been found? No.
Would my view change if it is proven conclusively the Bush deliberately lied? No.
Is lying to the electorate serious? Yes and Bush and Blair will have to answer for that if it does turn out this way, but it does not make the war wrong or that we shouldn't have done it.
Do I think Iraq has been been handled well since the end of the war? Not really. The initial administration under Garner (I think that's his name) was appallingly bad. Bremer is a bit better but could have had better support from Bush and Blair.
Onwards the Aussie Spam Invasion!
TwoWongs rocks my world
campaiging for vitamin S
Quai Master is my muffin