I don't know where to begin. It's such a surprise from you, actually commenting.
Shaddup you. I still have another couple weeks to go, and I need to take a course or two over the summer to make my college app a bit more attractive. I don't want to hear about your freedom.
Oh, but I do so love to gloat.
*blinks* You survived that? . . . . .wow. Must be the shock just hasn't kicked in yet. Mark my words, that stuff will make a raving madman out of you yet.
Nah, I'm just... like Superman or something.
Respectable poster. Ha!
I know.
Somehow I can't exactly be happy with you comparing me to one of your. . .*ahem* partners.
You should be happy to be so lucky!
Soccer would indeed be fun. I'd learn you good on that wonderful sport. But I'm afraid you can't have Jess. She's coming with me to. . .uh, a volleyball game! Yeah. She's taken.
Yes, soccer would be fun. And I would have a few drinks and get a big foam hand, and yell loudly when stuff happens that looks important. I'll be one of those soccer maniacs who gets all crazy after my team loses.
I have two plans, and I'm not sure which is actually going to happen yet. One is awful and boring, the other is awesome. On the one hand, I might be going to Maine for the whole summer with the family (we go there every year. Boring as anything you can imagine. . .). On the other hand, I might be allowed to stay here in North Carolina by myself for the entire summer.
An entire house, and two months, to myself. That would be beyond awesome.
I had that my summer of grade 12. The entire house to myself, all summer long. The family went on a vacation touring the country, but because of work I had to stay behind. I think it was just as fun.
But yeah, if I stay here, I'll just be hanging out with friends, working a little more, and taking a couple school classes that I need to complete.
Exciting, no?
No. I mean yes. Eeeee, the plethora of smilies in this post is eye-jarring.
On an island where no one lives,
We build a treehouse together.