Yeah, that would be funny if they got to know each other. It's a really cool thing, actually - the program I'm majoring in is international development studies, and a major component of it is the practicum program, where you go to a developing country for three to six months and work for an organization doing some aspect of development. It's an amazing way to put into practicality the concepts that we discuss in class, which cover economic, political and cultural areas.
Oh, and as for your other response - I don't yet know where I'm going in the Maritimes, and I haven't been there before... as a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure the only other time I've really interacted with you on this site was when I asked a few weeks ago if you had any recommendations of places to go in the Maritimes. However, since my plans are extremely tentative at this time, maybe I'll just ask you in the summer, if you're still here.
And it is very weird having an addiction to this place. I always held it in check, since I would go on for an hour or two every night before bed, and didn't go on the internet other than that, but it was still pretty crazy. Even if I'd get home at 3am, I'd still go on for an hour or two. I remember what it was like to be so involved, and I think it's a good sign that I'm not as much involved now, because it means that my life is healthy and balanced.
So anyways, I'll talk to you in the summer most likely (ie. when I get back from treeplanting in July and come back to the site). Take it easy.