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Perhaps it is the New International Translation of the Second Ten Tashmere - 19/04/2004 02:15:53 PM

commandments. I like your version better though. Where did you find them in the King James version? It has better cadence.

I didn't think hardcore religious people could have any free thought, outside of what scripture says, at least as far as life rules. Weren't those Moses' "second" set of Ten Commandments? Although, they probably would have had different wording, like "thou shalt not allow the heathen to press his lips to thine chalice of womanly goodness, ere thy must smite him with thine pepper spray". I only have one loose-and-fast religious dating rule that I hold to, and that's "cleave unto others as you would have others cleave unto you".
Omigosh that made me bust up! I love that rule!!! But I am not going to tell my children. Until they are married.

On a related note, we had a party once where a friend put up a sign saying all dances must be a bible width apart, and then enforced it. That was a pretty rockin' good time.

Yeah we used to have that rule at church dances. It was amusing when the chaperones enforced it. They were still fun though.

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My 10 rules of Christian dating - 19/04/2004 12:05:16 PM 442 Views
I like harlots - 19/04/2004 12:11:47 PM 75 Views
NEVER! - 19/04/2004 12:17:41 PM 74 Views
What? - 19/04/2004 12:19:31 PM 64 Views
Nope. - 19/04/2004 12:21:14 PM 57 Views
Sorry to be blunt - 19/04/2004 12:22:21 PM 57 Views
I do have trouble meeting MEN - 19/04/2004 12:24:27 PM 58 Views
*nods* That's because I'm the only man here - 19/04/2004 12:34:05 PM 41 Views
I'm not a cold fish or anything - 19/04/2004 12:36:09 PM 46 Views
The Fantasy Board or the Writer's Board fits that statement better. - 19/04/2004 06:01:04 PM 20 Views
Bah! Let me enjoy my delusions *NM* - 20/04/2004 05:42:57 AM 9 Views
Okeedohkee. *NM* - 20/04/2004 09:29:44 AM 6 Views
*covers eyes* - 19/04/2004 12:24:20 PM 62 Views
Re: *covers eyes* - 19/04/2004 12:25:50 PM 50 Views
*giggles* - 19/04/2004 12:26:36 PM 52 Views
Certainly not! *NM* - 19/04/2004 12:30:55 PM 8 Views
The trick - 19/04/2004 12:34:33 PM 40 Views
ahem... - 19/04/2004 12:16:31 PM 53 Views
Don't BLOW the first date...... *NM* - 19/04/2004 12:30:10 PM 13 Views
ROFL - 19/04/2004 12:31:19 PM 107 Views
Good question - 19/04/2004 12:34:16 PM 82 Views
Well - 19/04/2004 12:37:12 PM 66 Views
Now I get it. - 19/04/2004 12:43:18 PM 58 Views
In case... - 19/04/2004 12:53:23 PM 52 Views
I am not a mockery. - 19/04/2004 12:57:13 PM 52 Views
Well if you are going to follow the Bible... - 19/04/2004 01:04:03 PM 49 Views
Re: Well if you are going to follow the Bible... - 19/04/2004 01:07:34 PM 52 Views
Maybe if you were more intelligent... - 19/04/2004 01:09:03 PM 50 Views
The understatement of the century! - 19/04/2004 02:53:33 PM 32 Views
I've come to look forward to your posts. - 19/04/2004 12:45:47 PM 58 Views
LOL *NM* - 19/04/2004 12:46:36 PM 8 Views
*giggle* *NM* - 19/04/2004 01:20:56 PM 8 Views
~falls over laughing~ - 19/04/2004 01:33:20 PM 63 Views
It can't be original! - 19/04/2004 02:06:27 PM 41 Views
Perhaps it is the New International Translation of the Second Ten - 19/04/2004 02:15:53 PM 27 Views
Actually... - 19/04/2004 02:51:04 PM 22 Views
I am not surprised that your favorite charcter is Galad! *NM* - 19/04/2004 02:57:29 PM 8 Views
"No lascivious lasciviousness!" LOL *NM* - 19/04/2004 04:33:26 PM 6 Views
I hate those damn flyers on windshields - 19/04/2004 05:16:33 PM 24 Views
You soooooo need to... - 19/04/2004 07:56:11 PM 27 Views
Note to self: - 19/04/2004 11:30:11 PM 19 Views
no offence, but I would suggest that mentioning... - 21/04/2004 12:59:40 AM 16 Views