Reading this, and looking at your profile, you remind me a lot of me when I first came here. It's very interesting... I had a penchant for tomfoolery, subtle mockery, and writing very long posts when I actually had something to say (plus I'm Canadian as well - fun must be in our blood, unlike those uptight Americans). And, just the feeling that this place has changed your life that you express... I remember that feeling. Well, I mean it was only three years or so ago, but it's very interesting. My time here has been limited in years past, so I've tended to ignore anyone who I didn't already really know, so I haven't really paid attention to alot of people, at least to the level of getting to know them, yourself included. It's always nice to see someone reflecting on this place and being changed by it without being unhealthily obsessed. You seem like you've got your life in a good direction - keep it up!
Thank you. I like to think I've managed to pull my life of decently so far. And I did have a sort of addiction to this place for... a few months maybe, but that's about all. Looking back the whole thing strikes me as a rather... odd.
Well... right now, I'm finishing off working at school - I've got about 60 more hours to do by the end of April. My birthday's coming up (on Friday), a good friend just got back after being away two years, another good friend is leaving for the summer to build houses in Nicaragua, another good friend is leaving on Friday to see her boyfriend in New Zealand... everyone's in transition, so there will be lots of parties in my near future. At the start of May, I go to the wilds of northern Ontario to treeplant for two months, and hopefully make lots of money. Then, I'm taking the summer off. I decided, "why not?" so I'm going to. I live in an apartment right by the river in the nicest part of the city, so we can have bonfires in my backyard overlooking the river... then, in August, I'm travelling out east, possibly doing a bike trip in the Maritimes with a friend, then heading down to Michigan for the big wotmania to-do, then visiting some friends and heading out to Seattle (hopefully) before school starts again.
What part of the maritimes? (It's where I live) Have you been here before? If not there are some places I'd recommend, depending on where exactly you plan on going. But other than that, I hope the whole summer turns out nicely (since it sounds like it should) and that your trip to my part of the country is a good one, as well as the Michigan meet.
On an island where no one lives,
We build a treehouse together.