Active Users:518 Time:09/03/2025 01:27:35 AM
Oh good, you scared me for a second. Alfheim - 19/04/2004 11:21:43 AM

To think, we let them get off for even a moment.

On an island where no one lives,
We build a treehouse together.


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Bush misled the world on the Iraq war - 19/04/2004 08:00:10 AM 210 Views
Not a surprise - 19/04/2004 08:04:04 AM 18 Views
pretty much what I thought - 19/04/2004 08:09:32 AM 11 Views
Doesn't bother me all. Saddam is gone. *NM* - 19/04/2004 08:53:32 AM 3 Views
What I want to know is... - 19/04/2004 09:31:29 AM 17 Views
I've not been misled. I never trusted anything he said. - 19/04/2004 10:03:19 AM 13 Views
good point - 19/04/2004 10:09:31 AM 8 Views
Of course it's good. I made it. - 19/04/2004 10:12:37 AM 8 Views
I was surprised - 19/04/2004 10:16:13 AM 8 Views
Why, of course. What could be better. - 19/04/2004 10:17:23 AM 10 Views
well......... - 19/04/2004 10:22:03 AM 9 Views
Oh good, you scared me for a second. - 19/04/2004 11:21:43 AM 7 Views
Give me some one half way decent and I'd vote for them over bush - 19/04/2004 10:55:20 AM 15 Views
Well come to the rest of the world's politics - 19/04/2004 10:59:55 AM 15 Views
I know man, I know - 19/04/2004 11:03:59 AM 12 Views
Sensible policies for a sensible future - 19/04/2004 11:05:49 AM 8 Views
- 19/04/2004 12:01:05 PM 12 Views
*NM* - 20/04/2004 10:20:55 PM 3 Views
The article sheds nothing new. - 19/04/2004 11:20:23 AM 25 Views
so in spite of everything..... - 19/04/2004 08:07:10 PM 7 Views
Re: so in spite of everything..... - 20/04/2004 12:12:54 AM 7 Views
Yes, he definitely did and I find it troublesome. *NM* - 19/04/2004 11:48:09 AM 3 Views
It's "You Break it, you buy it" damnit! - 19/04/2004 12:50:05 PM 16 Views
Well Colin Powell rejected some of the assertions (link) - 20/04/2004 04:27:21 AM 14 Views
very little credibility left for any of them - 20/04/2004 10:24:48 AM 10 Views
So apparently he's trying to salvage his reputation from - 20/04/2004 04:04:36 PM 5 Views
I have always felt mislead... - 20/04/2004 12:41:19 PM 6 Views
Pentagon Deleted Rumsfeld Comment (link) - 21/04/2004 01:50:05 AM 5 Views