Active Users:553 Time:09/03/2025 01:12:14 PM
Give me some one half way decent and I'd vote for them over bush Mr Nothing - 19/04/2004 10:55:20 AM

However Kerry doesnt measure up for me. I'll still vote for bush even though he makes me mad sometimes. I wish all our state primaries were held on the same day. Kerry started to carry some states and everyone jumped on the bandwagon and voted Kerry. Bah. The upcoming election makes me grind my teeth. Trash bush however you want and you wont get any dissagreement from me, but I dont like Kerry either. I'm actually considering not voting...

Founding member of the "Drinking and boxing politcal party"

Disagree with me and I box you!!

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Bush misled the world on the Iraq war - 19/04/2004 08:00:10 AM 210 Views
Not a surprise - 19/04/2004 08:04:04 AM 18 Views
pretty much what I thought - 19/04/2004 08:09:32 AM 11 Views
Doesn't bother me all. Saddam is gone. *NM* - 19/04/2004 08:53:32 AM 3 Views
What I want to know is... - 19/04/2004 09:31:29 AM 17 Views
I've not been misled. I never trusted anything he said. - 19/04/2004 10:03:19 AM 13 Views
good point - 19/04/2004 10:09:31 AM 8 Views
Of course it's good. I made it. - 19/04/2004 10:12:37 AM 8 Views
I was surprised - 19/04/2004 10:16:13 AM 8 Views
Why, of course. What could be better. - 19/04/2004 10:17:23 AM 10 Views
well......... - 19/04/2004 10:22:03 AM 9 Views
Oh good, you scared me for a second. - 19/04/2004 11:21:43 AM 7 Views
Give me some one half way decent and I'd vote for them over bush - 19/04/2004 10:55:20 AM 15 Views
Well come to the rest of the world's politics - 19/04/2004 10:59:55 AM 15 Views
I know man, I know - 19/04/2004 11:03:59 AM 12 Views
Sensible policies for a sensible future - 19/04/2004 11:05:49 AM 8 Views
- 19/04/2004 12:01:05 PM 12 Views
*NM* - 20/04/2004 10:20:55 PM 3 Views
The article sheds nothing new. - 19/04/2004 11:20:23 AM 25 Views
so in spite of everything..... - 19/04/2004 08:07:10 PM 7 Views
Re: so in spite of everything..... - 20/04/2004 12:12:54 AM 7 Views
Yes, he definitely did and I find it troublesome. *NM* - 19/04/2004 11:48:09 AM 3 Views
It's "You Break it, you buy it" damnit! - 19/04/2004 12:50:05 PM 16 Views
Well Colin Powell rejected some of the assertions (link) - 20/04/2004 04:27:21 AM 14 Views
very little credibility left for any of them - 20/04/2004 10:24:48 AM 10 Views
So apparently he's trying to salvage his reputation from - 20/04/2004 04:04:36 PM 5 Views
I have always felt mislead... - 20/04/2004 12:41:19 PM 6 Views
Pentagon Deleted Rumsfeld Comment (link) - 21/04/2004 01:50:05 AM 5 Views