Hi guys. I really need your help for two research papers I'm writing on wotmania. This is part one. If you could take five minutes and fill out this survey, it would be incredibly helpful.
-What is your race?
-Do you think that there is an explicit hierarchy at wotmania? If so, how does it break down?
-Do you believe that there is a hierarchy at wotmania, but it isn’t officially noted by anyone? If so, how does this hierarchy break down?
-Do the terms Elder, Midbie, and Newbie actually mean anything for a person, or is it just a title that establishes how long someone has been at the site?
-Do you think that the admins on the site are in higher standing than the other members?
-In your opinion, do those who post on the Community MB think that they are “better” than those on the WoT MB?
-In your opinion, do those who post on the WoT MB think that they are “better” than those on the Community MB?
Thank you.
Gena Sedai