Thank you.
golden_lily - My Danielle obviously, she's my girlfriend, but beyond that, she's my best friend in alot of ways too. I simply could not love her more without bursting from it.
Gwenhywvar - Karen is absolutely like my big sister.
grogg0316 - He was like a brother to me even before I adopted Karen. We kill each other alot, but I know he's got my back, and that means alot.
farmboy - Now that all the fighting is done and resolved I cant help but like the guy. I'm glad to say that we seem to be getting closer by the day
Mat Girl- Like a ray of sexy sunshine, she just makes everything that much better
Danae alThor - I dont think i've ever connected with someone so much on a purely intelluctual level. I resepct her so much she's almost like a role model.
SynEve - The only Wotmaniac that i've really made the transition to being real life friends with. She's just a blast to hang out with even if she does like embarrasing me
I know i'm leaving people out, but this aint the Project. Move along people.
The Duke of Wotmania.
"Ryan got made a king, Danielle cleaned up on Wheel of Fortune, and Maddy got molested by a dragon!"
Ohio Gathering 2008. Where were you when the we laid siege to the Magic Castle?
OCWIATJ Forever.