Active Users:189 Time:07/09/2024 11:50:11 PM
artisistic nudity is usually people you wouldnt want to see nude *NM* seiya doon - 18/04/2004 06:03:52 PM

It is said the Devil has the best tunes.
This is broadly true. But Heaven has the best choreographers.

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What do you consider pornography? - 18/04/2004 03:36:05 PM 299 Views
Never really thought about it... - 18/04/2004 03:45:06 PM 36 Views
my definition is simple - 18/04/2004 03:45:31 PM 82 Views
hmmm... effect, or intention? - 18/04/2004 04:08:05 PM 39 Views
both - 18/04/2004 07:30:21 PM 24 Views
well, I'm a minor, but here are my views - 18/04/2004 03:45:55 PM 58 Views
So, then... - 18/04/2004 06:26:42 PM 25 Views
- 18/04/2004 04:15:41 PM 11 Views
Oh ... my.... I have to vomit now. - 18/04/2004 11:29:48 PM 19 Views
- 19/04/2004 02:49:54 PM 15 Views
visible entry - 18/04/2004 04:15:56 PM 31 Views
Hey, Brad *nods* - 18/04/2004 04:52:38 PM 24 Views
Re: What do you consider pornography? - 18/04/2004 05:13:51 PM 41 Views
artisistic nudity is usually people you wouldnt want to see nude *NM* - 18/04/2004 06:03:52 PM 6 Views
there's that "intent" I had in mind. - 18/04/2004 07:31:27 PM 16 Views
If the only value is sexual, it's porn. So, why does porn offend you? *NM* - 18/04/2004 06:14:19 PM 8 Views
never mind. - 18/04/2004 07:22:19 PM 25 Views
I said value, not content, though. *NM* - 18/04/2004 07:31:35 PM 6 Views
I know - 18/04/2004 08:58:42 PM 12 Views
Re: What do you consider pornography? - 18/04/2004 07:39:19 PM 33 Views
Commission of Porn? That was the SUPREME COURT... - 18/04/2004 08:03:53 PM 25 Views
yeah..but i still like the name Comission of Porn. - 18/04/2004 08:13:49 PM 11 Views
So, when I was in Florence - 19/04/2004 12:37:53 AM 13 Views
com'on - 18/04/2004 10:13:09 PM 15 Views
Nah, if I was doing that I'd have included a link. *NM* - 18/04/2004 10:19:11 PM 6 Views
Television. Commercials. - 18/04/2004 10:46:29 PM 14 Views
Do I need to repost Umberto Eco's definition of porn? - 18/04/2004 11:02:46 PM 24 Views
Don't ask. just do it. *NM* - 19/04/2004 12:36:31 PM 5 Views
Here ya go then - 19/04/2004 01:24:14 PM 16 Views
Very informative... and very true in many cases..... - 19/04/2004 04:43:01 PM 8 Views