1. How did you first meet your wotmania buddies?
gee, I don't know. One of them I began note boarding, and I think the others developed an MB relationship with me.
2. Do you have any particular interests in common?
yes. I think of one as very much my twin, and all of my buddies and I have similar senses of humor and are all caring people. One of course shares a language interest with me.
3. Have you ever talked to a buddy in the real world?
4. Do you always reply to posts from your buddies?
not all of them. but most.
5. Do you give points to your buddies (or receive points from them)?
I share points with one. Two others give me points. The rest.... I try not to bother them, though they'd probably give if I asked them.
6. What is it about your buddies that make them your buddies?
They're great people, and they're people I'd like to be friends with outside of wotmania.
7. How do you keep in touch with your wotmania buddies?
email, phone, AIM, MSN, NB
8. What kind of relationship do you have with your buddies?
what do you mean? they're my friends
9. Are you buddies with any of the smileys?
yes. yes I am.
Gena Sedai