Don't just pull such statements as "He may not even have existed" out of your backside. The issue of Jesus as a historical being is not new, has been researched by innumerable professional and academic historians, and the overwhelming majority of them argue for his existence despite the fact that few of them believe in him in any religious way.
Its a legitimate viewpoint of many scholars that Jesus, along with people like Socrates may not have existed.
Your comments smack of a fanatical skeptic--and frankly, of someone who isn't actually interested in seeing what anyone who actually knows what he/she is talking about has to say.
Your comments strike me of idiocy.
I don't fault you for your ridiculous statement (what a keen grasp of the obvious you have. This example of your reasoning is truly comic.) as much as I regret the way you make pronouncements and steer people away from substantive discussion. You are just some fellow on the Internet who really doesn't know the issues involved (or if you do know you choose to act otherwise--also problematic)but who wants to influence people anyway.
I mourn for you utter stupidity.
If you don't have a substantive contribution--avoid the discussion or ask someone who does.
I mourn for your complete idiocy.
Don't bother to respond to my post. I'm not interested in your sophistry or ego-centric justification of your ridiculous comment. I'm going to spend my time with people who are actually interested in addressing important issues.
I do hope you get your head stuck out of your ass.
This message last edited by chorabliss on 4/17/2004 at 10:27:02 PM.