Hi again folks - what do you think about this...
There are lots-a-lots-a people staying at my house, and I was thinking...and my head popped.
Ha ha.. no...
I was thinking it might be fun to all go to a campground for the meet. There are LOTS of people saying they have no problem camping.. and there are LOTS of people, and camping is C.H.E.A.P.
There are a couple of campgrounds in the area, but the one I like the best is in the link. It has all the ammenities, and is $15 a night per site.
So, I was thing we could have the whole thing there.. with road trips of course.
So, waddyathink? Let me know...
[Edit] the link takes you to the home page - use the drop-down menu to scroll to Brighton Recreation Area (Bishop Lake) , and you'll go to the main page. Another site that talks about that park is :