Ah, yes - the straight through option. UF does not have that option. Mostly for so either a)if you decide that being in grad school just isn't your cup of tea, you can leave without getting the PhD, but still have an MA; or b) if they decide you shouldn't be in grad school, you can get an MA before they ask you to leave.
Option A most definitely was me. Advisor tried to talk me out of it, but I had had my fill after my second semester and I haven't regretted it since.
Might want to consider a program with both, 'cause I've seen the most determined people decide after a few years, that they just want to go out and work, and not get the PhD. With many straight through programs, you don't get anything for all the work you did if you decide to leave before completing the PhD. Just something to think about.
Yeah, the thought of spending 6-7 years in a program after 4 years before just hurts my poor widdle bwain. Seriously, it does. Thanks for pointing this out, Alana
Well, yes, you do have a few years But start thinking about it now. I did take 5 years off between getting the BA and going back to grad school. But I knew when I was getting my BA that I would be pursuing a higher degree in my field.
Good luck!
Illusions fall like the husk of a fruit, one after another, and the fruit is experience. - Narrator, Sylvie