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Alcohol warnings. Adanedhel - 16/04/2004 05:07:26 AM

These were sent to me in an e-mail this morning. You may find some of them funny...then again you may not

~Warning: Consumption of alcohol may make you think you are whispering when you are not.

~Warning: Consumption of alcohol may cause you to tell the same story over and over again.

~Warning: Consumption of alcohol may cause you to thay shings like thish.

~Warning: Consumption of alcohol may lead you to believe that ex-lovers are really dying for you to telephone them at four in the morning.

~Warning: Consumption of alcohol may make you think you have mystical Kung Fu powers.

~Warning: Consumption of alcohol may cause you to roll over in the morning and see something really scary (whose species and or name you can't remember).

~Warning: Consumption of alcohol is the leading cause of inexplicable rug burns on the forehead.

~Warning: Consumption of alcohol may create the illusion you are tougher, more handsome and smarter than some really, really big guy named Franz.

~Warning: Consumption of alcohol may lead you to believe you are invisible.

~Warning: Consumption of alcohol may lead you to think that people are laughing with you.

Warning: Consumption of alcohol may cause an influx in the space-time continuum, whereby small (and sometimes large) gaps of time may seem to disappear.

Hope you enjoyed.

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Alcohol warnings. - 16/04/2004 05:07:26 AM 263 Views
Thanx! *NM* - 16/04/2004 05:12:00 AM 3 Views
- 16/04/2004 05:12:44 AM 26 Views
- 16/04/2004 05:14:46 AM 13 Views
Same here - 16/04/2004 05:17:30 AM 13 Views
I imagine that would be painful. - 16/04/2004 05:22:03 AM 11 Views
Luckily - 16/04/2004 05:25:14 AM 12 Views
Hehe. - 16/04/2004 05:28:46 AM 11 Views
It is - 16/04/2004 05:31:35 AM 10 Views
Though... - 16/04/2004 05:35:56 AM 11 Views
My golden rule - 16/04/2004 05:40:30 AM 14 Views
Why do King Donner kebabs look great when you're drunk... - 16/04/2004 05:51:54 AM 12 Views
There is no answer - 16/04/2004 06:15:20 AM 9 Views
My question........ - 16/04/2004 05:58:11 AM 39 Views
You want me to answer that? - 16/04/2004 06:09:43 AM 28 Views
- 16/04/2004 07:16:52 AM 23 Views
Don't ruin my sordid fantacies - 16/04/2004 07:31:46 AM 21 Views
I'll try not to ruin your spelling either... - 16/04/2004 09:56:50 AM 10 Views
I'm to busy fantasising to spell correctly - 16/04/2004 10:01:38 AM 7 Views
It all becomes clear - 16/04/2004 10:13:31 AM 7 Views
Clear as mud? - 16/04/2004 10:19:11 AM 5 Views
Through a glass darkly - 16/04/2004 10:29:42 AM 5 Views
At night - 16/04/2004 10:31:50 AM 5 Views
Cats are black? - 16/04/2004 10:37:25 AM 4 Views
As your heart! - 16/04/2004 10:40:55 AM 6 Views
*is a knave* - 16/04/2004 10:51:52 AM 4 Views
A cad even - 16/04/2004 10:54:10 AM 4 Views
Scoundrel? - 16/04/2004 11:00:43 AM 5 Views
Bounder maby. - 16/04/2004 11:31:11 AM 5 Views
Conwoman - 16/04/2004 11:34:47 AM 5 Views
I read that as catwoman to start with - 16/04/2004 11:44:53 AM 5 Views
Close, admittedly - 16/04/2004 11:53:32 AM 6 Views
Very close? - 16/04/2004 11:57:14 AM 5 Views
Finally! - 16/04/2004 07:01:18 AM 9 Views
Falling Down Juice... It does exactly what it says on the tin *NM* - 16/04/2004 07:22:59 AM 2 Views
I once got told this in science class - 16/04/2004 08:30:16 AM 13 Views
*winces* - 16/04/2004 08:52:00 AM 19 Views
Nice to see these things do not change - 16/04/2004 10:00:46 AM 14 Views
Yep - 16/04/2004 10:07:58 AM 11 Views
Like...Yar, dahlink.. - 16/04/2004 10:18:26 AM 7 Views
Totally - 16/04/2004 10:26:56 AM 7 Views
I sooo agree with you! - 16/04/2004 10:38:21 AM 7 Views
It's, like, so true! - 16/04/2004 10:55:00 AM 8 Views
Oh? - 17/04/2004 08:48:00 AM 6 Views
One applies to my limited experience drinking - 16/04/2004 10:46:31 AM 7 Views
These are too true to be funny! - 16/04/2004 07:15:48 PM 7 Views