I love the mall. I really, really do. My name is Danielle and I'm a sixteen year old mallrat. A flamboyant mallrat apparently, but that's another story.
1. Do you go to the mall? How often? (if you don’t go to the mall, stop now and go to the mall!)
Yeah, usually about twice a month. But more when I'm less busy.
2. Do you like the mall or do you just go because it has a lot of stores?
I like the mall.
3. Do you have a favorite store that you always hit first?
I have a few favorites, so I don't usually hit one first, I hit whichever one is closest to where I park. I like to hit Maurice's, Sam Goody, Hot Topic, and the Kitchen store for my iced cappucino! The closest thing to coffee that I consume.
4. Do you have a store you always hit last?
Oh, Kitchen store, since I'm nervous about being yelled at for bringing a beverage into a store.
5. What’s the longest you’ve ever spent sitting on the floor in an accessory store playing with sparkly jewelry?
About 5 minutes probably.
6. Do you try on clothes you know you will never buy?
7. Why don’t you buy them?!
Either too expensive, or would not look good on me.
8. Has a blonde 16 year old girl ever run up to you in a clothing store and asked you if her shorts make her look like a sausage?
Nope, not as of yet.
9. You obviously don’t live in Toledo Ohio, do you?
No I do not.
10. Isn’t the mall heinously overpriced?
Mine is, yeah.
11. Do you ever just walk around looking at all the people in the mall?
12. What is everyone’s obsession with the colors red and pink all of a sudden?!
I was wondering the same thing! I love pink, but now it's totally overpublicized now. I don't feel as special anymore. Well, how special can a girl who likes pink feel? Not completely rare, eh?
13. Should it bother me that I blew $65 at the mall yesterday on 4 things and cup of coffee?
14. But all the stuff was for Prom! You have to spend a lot of money on Prom! Right?
well then it's ok!
15. Should I go back to the mall today?
Of course!
ps i love the mall
it takes a lot to make me crazy
and a lot is always going on