Active Users:298 Time:08/09/2024 12:45:08 AM
Oh, yeah evil farmboy - 15/04/2004 07:47:47 PM

it is always good to have an evil side and having an evil boyfriend helps
Evil girlfriend's are great

S'io credessi che mia risposta fosse a persona che mai tornasse al ondo, questa fiamma staria più scosse. Ma per ciò che giammai di questo fondo non tornò vivo alcun, s'i'odo il vero, senza tema d'infamia ti rispondo.

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And you thought Edge was Pimp God? - 14/04/2004 06:48:42 PM 441 Views
Farmboy: Hey, Ryan... - 14/04/2004 06:50:40 PM 33 Views
When did I think Edge was Pimp God? - 14/04/2004 06:53:20 PM 23 Views
Edge: When I had it in my sig... - 14/04/2004 06:56:32 PM 1 Views
*NM* - 14/04/2004 06:58:18 PM 9 Views
You two are starting to scare me. *NM* - 14/04/2004 07:00:07 PM 1 Views
Very pretty dress. You look beautiful. *NM* - 14/04/2004 07:00:57 PM 1 Views
dammit >.< - 14/04/2004 07:01:07 PM 23 Views
I don't think any of you should have girlfriends... - 14/04/2004 07:04:28 PM 1 Views
You are a nice guy, Brad, and so is Ryan, BUT... - 14/04/2004 07:09:15 PM 34 Views
maybe because... - 14/04/2004 07:11:01 PM 1 Views
thank you *NM* - 14/04/2004 07:12:14 PM 1 Views
Oh, you look gorgeous! - 14/04/2004 07:14:29 PM 1 Views
Just out of interest.... - 14/04/2004 07:19:27 PM 1 Views
To be honet, I have no idea. It's just... Afro Ken. *NM* - 14/04/2004 07:23:46 PM 1 Views
but kittys are cool - 14/04/2004 07:33:50 PM 1 Views
thanks - 14/04/2004 07:36:33 PM 1 Views
ummmmmm... - 14/04/2004 07:49:22 PM 1 Views
4 and a half! Sweet! *NM* - 14/04/2004 07:57:14 PM 1 Views
Beautiful dress! You look great! *NM* - 14/04/2004 07:58:56 PM 4 Views
I dont think I cleared the use of this SN - 14/04/2004 08:06:22 PM 1 Views
Yep, and I still think that - 14/04/2004 08:07:24 PM 15 Views
*falls out of his chair laughing* - 14/04/2004 08:08:42 PM 1 Views
Actually that would make ME the biggest pimp - 14/04/2004 08:09:59 PM 1 Views
You know you're just jealous my friend - 14/04/2004 08:11:00 PM 1 Views
lol - 14/04/2004 08:11:50 PM 1 Views
Bah, I bet you would do that - 14/04/2004 08:12:57 PM 1 Views
thanks *NM* - 14/04/2004 08:13:32 PM 1 Views
Re: Yep, and I still think that - 14/04/2004 08:14:16 PM 1 Views
Hey, you know i've been trying to teach him how to be manly - 14/04/2004 08:14:45 PM 1 Views
- 14/04/2004 08:15:15 PM 1 Views
I'm not evil enough to do that - 14/04/2004 08:15:44 PM 1 Views
*rolls his eyes dramatically* - 14/04/2004 08:16:43 PM 1 Views
You hang around Danielle too much to not have any evil in you - 14/04/2004 08:17:57 PM 1 Views
Actually... - 14/04/2004 08:18:31 PM 1 Views
lol, that's true - 14/04/2004 08:18:53 PM 1 Views
Bah - 14/04/2004 08:19:17 PM 1 Views
I am so - 14/04/2004 08:20:05 PM 1 Views
Well yeah thats where I goofed up - 14/04/2004 08:20:34 PM 1 Views
Evilness...too...attractive...must...resist.... - 14/04/2004 08:21:38 PM 1 Views
hey - 14/04/2004 08:22:24 PM 1 Views
I'll grant you that - 14/04/2004 08:22:40 PM 1 Views
- 14/04/2004 08:23:21 PM 1 Views
- 14/04/2004 08:23:47 PM 1 Views
You're very welcome - 14/04/2004 08:25:02 PM 1 Views
lol, you just can't resist - 14/04/2004 08:25:05 PM 1 Views
Nope, I am predisposed to be vulnerable to evil women - 14/04/2004 08:26:15 PM 1 Views
shhhh - 14/04/2004 08:26:21 PM 1 Views
I so rock - 14/04/2004 08:27:58 PM 1 Views
Bah - 14/04/2004 08:28:04 PM 1 Views
- 14/04/2004 08:28:37 PM 1 Views
Re: You're very welcome - 14/04/2004 08:29:21 PM 1 Views
lol, glad to hear you so proud of your title - 14/04/2004 08:29:27 PM 1 Views
Re: Bah - 14/04/2004 08:30:06 PM 1 Views
*raises an eyebrow* - 14/04/2004 08:30:47 PM 1 Views
Re: *raises an eyebrow* - 14/04/2004 08:31:37 PM 1 Views
Nah - 14/04/2004 08:32:04 PM 1 Views
why... - 14/04/2004 08:32:51 PM 1 Views
Re: *raises an eyebrow* - 14/04/2004 08:33:38 PM 1 Views
yeah, I should get an wotmania oscar - 14/04/2004 08:33:46 PM 1 Views
You know... - 14/04/2004 08:35:06 PM 1 Views
hehehe - 14/04/2004 08:35:14 PM 1 Views
freak - 14/04/2004 08:36:34 PM 1 Views
I dont know you'd need some other nominees - 14/04/2004 08:36:44 PM 1 Views
ummm no one - 14/04/2004 08:38:19 PM 1 Views
Evil Anne? Oh no! The world is in trouble! - 14/04/2004 08:39:29 PM 1 Views
Very lovely. - 14/04/2004 08:39:41 PM 27 Views
I can live with that - 14/04/2004 08:41:41 PM 1 Views
Hmm, this is true - 14/04/2004 08:43:29 PM 1 Views
Do not fear, you will be assimilated. - 14/04/2004 08:45:09 PM 1 Views
sweet, too bad I'm 14 - 14/04/2004 08:45:19 PM 1 Views
lol - 14/04/2004 08:49:54 PM 1 Views
Shh they dont have to know that - 14/04/2004 08:51:16 PM 1 Views
are you talking about they or THEY - 14/04/2004 08:52:16 PM 1 Views
If I had to guess... - 14/04/2004 08:53:53 PM 1 Views
lol, typical lily - 14/04/2004 08:55:03 PM 1 Views
- 14/04/2004 08:55:14 PM 1 Views
Yeah, I know her so well its scary - 14/04/2004 08:56:32 PM 1 Views
2 guys threadjacking is just wroooooooong - 14/04/2004 08:57:33 PM 1 Views
You need to be more open minded dude - 14/04/2004 09:02:00 PM 1 Views
- 14/04/2004 09:04:20 PM 1 Views
Pah! - 14/04/2004 09:06:08 PM 1 Views
No she doesn't. Not at all. You're probably just short. *NM* - 14/04/2004 09:37:42 PM 1 Views
Don't feel bad. It never occured to me either. *NM* - 14/04/2004 09:40:52 PM 1 Views
Edge isn't? Woe. *NM* - 14/04/2004 10:10:59 PM 4 Views
David? Jealous? Naaah. *NM* - 14/04/2004 10:16:16 PM 1 Views
GOD! my sis is hot! - 14/04/2004 10:34:38 PM 17 Views
*sees her life flash before her eyes* - 14/04/2004 10:36:18 PM 1 Views
that's a very purdy dress. *NM* - 14/04/2004 10:39:11 PM 8 Views
I'm offended by that term - 14/04/2004 10:41:56 PM 1 Views
"Purdy?" - 14/04/2004 10:49:59 PM 1 Views
That's nice. - 14/04/2004 10:57:09 PM 1 Views
ugh. You are just giving me a hard time today! - 14/04/2004 10:59:48 PM 1 Views
I'm scandalized! - 14/04/2004 11:07:55 PM 1 Views
It's a last name here. - 14/04/2004 11:14:37 PM 1 Views
Oh?. - 14/04/2004 11:17:20 PM 1 Views
As much of an asshole as you obviously are - 14/04/2004 11:19:47 PM 1 Views
he's not still stalking me? - 14/04/2004 11:20:53 PM 1 Views
No I am, he's just trying to cash in on the fact that he's my brother - 14/04/2004 11:21:14 PM 1 Views
Yo. - 14/04/2004 11:41:46 PM 1 Views
Why does making a point make me an asshole? - 14/04/2004 11:42:26 PM 1 Views
I always am. - 14/04/2004 11:43:07 PM 1 Views
Because you had no reason to make it. - 14/04/2004 11:47:30 PM 1 Views
Re: Because you had no reason to make it. - 14/04/2004 11:55:31 PM 1 Views
Explanation: I was being sarcastic. *NM* - 15/04/2004 12:25:37 AM 1 Views
Ah, I see. A pimp by association? *NM* - 15/04/2004 12:29:11 AM 1 Views
Will do... - 15/04/2004 04:16:04 AM 1 Views
And pretty soon, he's gonna have the password - 15/04/2004 04:17:44 AM 1 Views
Yeah, just so she can look me straight in the... - 15/04/2004 04:26:28 AM 1 Views
It's not so much of a contest anymore, as it is... - 15/04/2004 04:35:43 AM 1 Views
You know where else she's jaw-dropping? - 15/04/2004 04:39:12 AM 1 Views
I'm not trying to upstage him... - 15/04/2004 04:51:45 AM 1 Views
That's what I said *NM* - 15/04/2004 04:52:42 AM 1 Views
You mock us now... - 15/04/2004 05:27:06 AM 1 Views
Hehehe, nicely said dearest - 15/04/2004 06:24:25 AM 1 Views
I have nothing against short people... - 15/04/2004 02:07:49 PM 1 Views
And have you never heard of long distance relationships? - 15/04/2004 02:25:56 PM 1 Views
*NM* - 15/04/2004 07:22:08 PM 1 Views
hehehe - 15/04/2004 07:23:16 PM 1 Views
sweet! - 15/04/2004 07:28:51 PM 1 Views
- 15/04/2004 07:30:37 PM 1 Views
- 15/04/2004 07:34:40 PM 1 Views
Oh, yeah - 15/04/2004 07:47:47 PM 1 Views
BRAD! - 15/04/2004 11:16:06 PM 1 Views
- 15/04/2004 11:20:00 PM 1 Views
- 15/04/2004 11:25:22 PM 1 Views
- 15/04/2004 11:35:14 PM 1 Views
I tire of you. Yes, from one message. - 15/04/2004 11:38:37 PM 1 Views
And why should I care what you think of me? - 16/04/2004 12:09:10 AM 1 Views
You shouldn't. But you needn't curse, it devalues your arguments. - 16/04/2004 12:27:36 AM 1 Views
Re: Oh, yeah - 17/04/2004 02:46:16 PM 1 Views
And they're hot too - 17/04/2004 02:52:02 PM 1 Views
- 18/04/2004 06:52:57 PM 1 Views
- 18/04/2004 07:00:14 PM 1 Views
Re: - 18/04/2004 10:06:10 PM 1 Views