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Habby birthday farmboy - 15/04/2004 07:38:12 PM

It may be still mid-afternoon in Texas, but it's just gone midnight in Britain, and that's what counts! So this thread wishes a very happy birthday to our favourite Animé-enthusiast, the inimitable draggie. Congratulations!

<Plays Happy Birthday on the bagpipes, three times >

Yours with a great big birthday hug and some (gentle) birthday bumps, Tim .

Disclaimer: her orkut profile says her birthday's on the 16th of April. If that's wrong and I've posted on the wrong day, it's not my fault!
Umm... huh? If it says the 16th in her profile, and you posted just past midnight, would that not make it the 16th in Britan and, thus, her birthday?

My brain has been swiss cheesed like Scott Bakula's on Quantum Leap

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Happy Birthday draggie! - 15/04/2004 06:59:45 PM 162 Views
Happy Birthday Dwaggie! *hugs and kisses* *NM* - 15/04/2004 07:08:39 PM 2 Views
Habby birthday - 15/04/2004 07:38:12 PM 15 Views
This was in case she said "Eh, my b'day's not for another four months" *NM* - 15/04/2004 07:40:18 PM 3 Views
Oh, right... - 15/04/2004 07:44:03 PM 9 Views
happy birthday!!! *NM* - 15/04/2004 07:51:23 PM 3 Views
^__^ Happy Birthday Draggie! *hugs* *NM* - 15/04/2004 07:58:50 PM 2 Views
Hap-Hap-Happy Birthday Miss Draggie! *NM* - 15/04/2004 07:59:39 PM 2 Views
Hoppy Birthday Draggie. - 15/04/2004 08:00:56 PM 8 Views
Happy Birthday Dwaggiewaggie *NM* - 15/04/2004 08:12:36 PM 2 Views
Happy Birthday Draggie - 15/04/2004 08:14:55 PM 7 Views
Happy birthday Draggie! *NM* - 15/04/2004 08:38:26 PM 2 Views
Happy Birthday Princess Dragstar - 15/04/2004 08:41:59 PM 9 Views
yay! happy birthday darlin'! - 15/04/2004 08:54:36 PM 6 Views
Happy B-day Draaaagie *NM* - 15/04/2004 09:51:01 PM 2 Views
Happy Birthday, Cutey Honey. - 15/04/2004 10:26:07 PM 12 Views
Happy Berfday, dragster!! *NM* - 15/04/2004 10:54:11 PM 2 Views
Happy Birthday, draggie! - 16/04/2004 12:06:15 AM 6 Views
Happy day, dwaggie-y! - 16/04/2004 12:50:29 AM 8 Views
Yay for birthday cake and pressies!! - 16/04/2004 01:14:38 AM 8 Views
happy birthday! *NM* - 16/04/2004 01:48:48 AM 2 Views
Three cheers for Draggie!! - 16/04/2004 03:27:46 AM 6 Views
Happy 10th... - 16/04/2004 04:09:31 AM 9 Views
Happy Birthday!! *pulls tail* *NM* - 16/04/2004 05:34:53 AM 2 Views
¡Feliz cumpleaños!...y todo ese mierda. *NM* - 16/04/2004 07:23:54 AM 2 Views
happy b-day draggle type person *NM* - 16/04/2004 08:28:15 AM 2 Views
Happy Birthday draggie! *NM* - 16/04/2004 10:13:46 AM 2 Views
Indeed - 16/04/2004 10:49:14 AM 7 Views
Happy Birthday Draggie! Huggles muchly! *NM* - 16/04/2004 11:03:25 AM 2 Views
Feliz Cumpleanos! *NM* - 16/04/2004 12:22:24 PM 2 Views
Happy Birthday - 16/04/2004 01:10:04 PM 5 Views
Happy Birthday draggie! - 16/04/2004 02:30:28 PM 5 Views
Happy Birthday draggie! *NM* - 16/04/2004 03:02:44 PM 2 Views
YAY! For Draggie! HUZZAH! *NM* - 16/04/2004 03:55:32 PM 2 Views
Happy BDay!! *NM* - 16/04/2004 05:32:50 PM 2 Views
Yay! Happy Birthday! *NM* - 16/04/2004 07:24:57 PM 2 Views
Happy birthday dwaggles....... - 17/04/2004 11:49:00 AM 8 Views