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Speaking poorly AlannaDawn - 09/04/2004 11:03:51 AM

Seriously. I am so annoyed. I just attended a deposition where the expert witness for the other side was the biggest spluttering moron. I told my boss of my incredulity that this fellow had been selected as the witness, and he said, he was not stupid, but just a southerner. (From Atlanta). Now, being from Texas myself, I know we Southerners are not dumb... SO LET'S not SOUND DUMB!!!! Seriously. I thought if he said PACIFICALLY when be meant specifically ONE MORE TIME I would strangle him. I think I showed remarkable restraint in NOT killing him. There were too many witnesses. *grumble*

If you are a southerner, like me, have some respect. Try not to sound silly. Please.

Edit: I did not mean to offend anyone. But I seriously hate when people use the wrong word. *I* did not say this fellow sounded dumb because he was a Southerner, my boss did. I think he just spluttered a lot. But my boss said EVERYONE in Atlanta said pacifically instead of specifically. So I asked.

Hopefully with this edit, less people will be offended. That was not my intention. I truly apologize if you were offended.

This message last edited by AlannaDawn on 4/9/2004 at 12:09:46 PM.

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Speaking poorly - 09/04/2004 11:03:51 AM 253 Views
This is very offensive, even if you didn't mean it to be. *NM* - 09/04/2004 11:06:01 AM 31 Views
she's good at that. *NM* - 09/04/2004 12:04:51 PM 17 Views
y'know...that wasn't at all very nice. *NM* - 09/04/2004 11:09:46 AM 18 Views
I live in Atlanta - 09/04/2004 11:19:02 AM 80 Views
Well - 09/04/2004 12:20:59 PM 53 Views
nobody said you were a b*tch. - 09/04/2004 12:25:26 PM 50 Views
I hope they only sound that way... - 09/04/2004 11:22:44 AM 41 Views
Re: Are Southerners Stupid or do they just sound that way? - 09/04/2004 11:30:47 AM 52 Views
yes, but I meant - 09/04/2004 12:10:43 PM 45 Views
Don't you think though, - 09/04/2004 12:13:24 PM 40 Views
yeah - 09/04/2004 12:22:45 PM 33 Views
thanks for the edit much better *NM* - 09/04/2004 12:21:47 PM 10 Views
Damn I missed the controversy. - 09/04/2004 12:27:00 PM 58 Views
;P no we don't. *NM* - 09/04/2004 12:28:59 PM 13 Views
No you don't what? - 09/04/2004 12:50:16 PM 40 Views
we don't offend easily *NM* - 09/04/2004 01:03:11 PM 12 Views
actually - 09/04/2004 12:31:57 PM 50 Views
You said actually twice. - 09/04/2004 01:53:55 PM 39 Views
nah. - 09/04/2004 02:42:56 PM 36 Views
If you want. - 09/04/2004 01:07:27 PM 45 Views
Really? sweet thanks. - 09/04/2004 01:54:20 PM 33 Views
Well. - 09/04/2004 02:33:10 PM 34 Views
Well, ain't it? - 09/04/2004 05:30:16 PM 23 Views
Well, I didn't get to read the unedited version... - 09/04/2004 03:36:35 PM 27 Views