No. If I had deliberately wanted to offend someone, I would have said this: Don't you think that trying to out-do one another with your internet "girlfriends"...? I didn't include the quotations around the word because I didn't want to imply the connection was not a real one. And in any regard, without any real physical relationship (Note: do not read as sexual) a couple can not really be in a true relationship by any means. Like I said, there can be a connection, and a relationship, but not really. Not like one experienced if it is real-life. Which, pleasantly enough for the two of you, will occur in August.
It is quite obvious you haven't, otherwise you would know that they have no physical relationship. Anne's going to college next year, and regardless of the fact that she will continue to have the internet and be able to talk to me, I feel almost as if I'm losing her because she'll be another five hours away. Don't pretend to think that one can't have a relationship over the internet. Don't pretend to think that the emotions aren't real. Don't pretend to think that if Ryan hurts lily, I won't track him down to kick his ass because of the feelings I have for his girlfriend that make me think of her like a little sister whom I'll as best I can at this distance; or that he'd do the same if I hurt Anne.
I'm sick of people who think I'm just playing around with this relationship I have. And yes, I said relationship. After all, a relationship in this instance is defined as "a romantic or passionate attachment". And you can go to hell if you don't think that attachment isn't real.
Now that I've said what I wanted, I'm going back to reply to whatever else needs replying.
My brain has been swiss cheesed like Scott Bakula's on Quantum Leap