1. Do you believe in the Rapture?
2. Why or why not?
I believe it's someone's interpretation of the Bible (Revelations at any rate) which I don't believe is correct.
3. If you answered yes to #1, are you a Pre-Tribulation(it'll happen before seven years of horrible stuff) or Mid-Tribulation (3.5 years in)?
4. Do you know who is credited with starting the modern Rapture movement?
I do not.
5. If you answered no to #1, do you believe in the Parousia of Christ (Second Coming)?
Yes, I do.
6. The Left Behind series: a lot of truth mixed in with the fictional account or a lot of dangerous bunk that undermines Christianity?
I tried to read it, but I just couldn't get into it, so I can't say.
7. (Because I know some will want to say it anyways ): Is all of the above a bunch of hooey and not worth believing, whether it's Rapture stuff or Christianity in general?
Considering I'm Christian, obviously I believe Christianity is worth believing in. By my beliefs it's a given, I suppose.
8. Those Rapture bumper stickers:
a) I laugh when I read them, then shake my head in disbelief
b) I smile and agree with the sentiment
c) I proudly display one on my car
d) What the hell is a Rapture?
9. Should the Apocalypse of John/Revelations be viewed literally or metaphorically?
I don't believe we can take it literally. It's too steeped in symbolism, for one thing. If we tried to take it literally, it could apply to many times in history.
That's not say that the message of Revelations isn't relevant to all times. The letters to the seven churches for instance all have significance for today's churches.
Bah, I'll just stop at 9 and see what answers are given. I just hope that people can agree or disagree civilly, but is that asking for too much here?
That's the true harbinger of spring, not crocuses or swallows returning to Capistrano, but the sound of a bat on the ball ~ Bill Veeck