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have you read "The Rapture Trap" by Thingpin? Mat Maniac - 15/04/2004 11:47:58 AM

I've skimmed through it and have found it interesting (I read it straigt but I am juggling too much as it is...

1. Do you believe in the Rapture?

No not really

2. Why or why not?

I think it is a theory people liked so it was boosted and flaws in it were ignored (I forget most of it, oh well)

3. If you answered yes to #1, are you a Pre-Tribulation(it'll happen before seven years of horrible stuff) or Mid-Tribulation (3.5 years in)?


4. Do you know who is credited with starting the modern Rapture movement?

I forget :-/

5. If you answered no to #1, do you believe in the Parousia of Christ (Second Coming)?


6. The Left Behind series: a lot of truth mixed in with the fictional account or a lot of dangerous bunk that undermines Christianity?

Ummm, I would say it is some truth but alot is pulled towards the rapture scenario and the Author's opinions.

7. (Because I know some will want to say it anyways ): Is all of the above a bunch of hooey and not worth believing, whether it's Rapture stuff or Christianity in general?

No, would not say that

8. Those Rapture bumper stickers:

a) I laugh when I read them, then shake my head in disbelief

b) I smile and agree with the sentiment

c) I proudly display one on my car

d) What the hell is a Rapture?

e) I smile and think to myself "they are close and while I respectfully dissagree, it is the more important things that matter."

9. Should the Apocalypse of John/Revelations be viewed literally or metaphorically?

A mix, leaning towards metaphore

Bah, I'll just stop at 9 and see what answers are given. I just hope that people can agree or disagree civilly, but is that asking for too much here?

"Anybody who goes to bed the same day they got up is a quitter."

Achewon Nutiket*

*Spiritual Guard

RIP Kory

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/Survey: Do you believe in "The Rapture"? - 14/04/2004 11:21:18 PM 222 Views
Needless to say, I don't - 14/04/2004 11:27:30 PM 49 Views
Of course I don't. Don't be silly. - 14/04/2004 11:32:40 PM 28 Views
Good, I'm not that silly then - 14/04/2004 11:38:42 PM 10 Views
Re: Good, I'm not that silly then - 14/04/2004 11:47:04 PM 5 Views
I think it's a cultural thing, to be honest - 14/04/2004 11:56:26 PM 5 Views
I would wager so. - 15/04/2004 12:00:59 AM 5 Views
Very scary - 15/04/2004 12:19:52 AM 4 Views
Of course. - 14/04/2004 11:53:48 PM 36 Views
Breakdown? - 15/04/2004 12:21:04 AM 10 Views
My $.02 - 15/04/2004 12:19:57 AM 34 Views
I'm curious, are you a neo-Gnostic? - 15/04/2004 12:23:12 AM 17 Views
curiously.... - 15/04/2004 12:34:42 AM 18 Views
Ah, thanks - 15/04/2004 12:42:07 AM 13 Views
Quite Welcome... - 15/04/2004 12:48:38 AM 11 Views
I'll have to look for it sometime - thanks - 15/04/2004 12:53:46 AM 10 Views
Anytime *NM* - 15/04/2004 12:56:06 AM 2 Views
mmm no - 15/04/2004 01:59:19 AM 8 Views
Re: /Survey: Do you believe in "The Rapture"? - 15/04/2004 03:53:53 AM 8 Views
Ummm...what is it? - 15/04/2004 07:07:28 AM 18 Views
Don't worry. - 15/04/2004 07:27:16 AM 10 Views
Nope. - 15/04/2004 07:29:16 AM 7 Views
Ok, I'll answer, though I doubt anyone really cares what I answer. - 15/04/2004 08:46:14 AM 29 Views
Gee, where do you get that? - 15/04/2004 04:07:22 PM 15 Views
Hasn't worked yet... - 15/04/2004 05:18:31 PM 15 Views
I'm sorry that - 15/04/2004 08:07:21 PM 12 Views
Neither has waiting for Jesus to come back. - 15/04/2004 10:11:56 PM 11 Views
Oops! I thought you were talking about the Blondie song! *NM* - 15/04/2004 11:10:29 AM 3 Views
I don't believe in The Rapture,Buddha or JC or [insert deity here] but - 15/04/2004 11:24:34 AM 10 Views
have you read "The Rapture Trap" by Thingpin? - 15/04/2004 11:47:58 AM 12 Views
No. - 15/04/2004 12:12:27 PM 8 Views
- 15/04/2004 02:43:20 PM 14 Views
- 15/04/2004 02:53:16 PM 9 Views
I'll give it a go - 15/04/2004 04:22:45 PM 9 Views
A Little Defense of...da Rapture! - 15/04/2004 06:12:49 PM 11 Views