I've skimmed through it and have found it interesting (I read it straigt but I am juggling too much as it is...
1. Do you believe in the Rapture?
No not really
2. Why or why not?
I think it is a theory people liked so it was boosted and flaws in it were ignored (I forget most of it, oh well)
3. If you answered yes to #1, are you a Pre-Tribulation(it'll happen before seven years of horrible stuff) or Mid-Tribulation (3.5 years in)?
4. Do you know who is credited with starting the modern Rapture movement?
I forget :-/
5. If you answered no to #1, do you believe in the Parousia of Christ (Second Coming)?
6. The Left Behind series: a lot of truth mixed in with the fictional account or a lot of dangerous bunk that undermines Christianity?
Ummm, I would say it is some truth but alot is pulled towards the rapture scenario and the Author's opinions.
7. (Because I know some will want to say it anyways ): Is all of the above a bunch of hooey and not worth believing, whether it's Rapture stuff or Christianity in general?
No, would not say that
8. Those Rapture bumper stickers:
a) I laugh when I read them, then shake my head in disbelief
b) I smile and agree with the sentiment
c) I proudly display one on my car
d) What the hell is a Rapture?
e) I smile and think to myself "they are close and while I respectfully dissagree, it is the more important things that matter."
9. Should the Apocalypse of John/Revelations be viewed literally or metaphorically?
A mix, leaning towards metaphore
Bah, I'll just stop at 9 and see what answers are given. I just hope that people can agree or disagree civilly, but is that asking for too much here?
"Anybody who goes to bed the same day they got up is a quitter."Achewon Nutiket*
*Spiritual Guard
† RIP Kory †