1. Do you believe in the Rapture?
2. Why or why not?
Because the Bible describes it pretty well. The saints who remain will be "caught up" to meet Him in the air.
3. If you answered yes to #1, are you a Pre-Tribulation(it'll happen before seven years of horrible stuff) or Mid-Tribulation (3.5 years in)?
I tend to lean toward pre-trib. I've seen more support for that view.
4. Do you know who is credited with starting the modern Rapture movement?
5. If you answered no to #1, do you believe in the Parousia of Christ (Second Coming)?
Well, I answered yes and I certainly believe in the Second Coming of Jesus.
6. The Left Behind series: a lot of truth mixed in with the fictional account or a lot of dangerous bunk that undermines Christianity?
Haven't yet read them, but I tend to believe it's a fictional account based on Biblical principles and truth.
7. (Because I know some will want to say it anyways ): Is all of the above a bunch of hooey and not worth believing, whether it's Rapture stuff or Christianity in general?
Personally, I'm saddened by people who can't believe--it means they have no hope for something better than this world.
8. Those Rapture bumper stickers:
b) I smile and agree with the sentiment
More this one than anything else.
9. Should the Apocalypse of John/Revelations be viewed literally or metaphorically?
I tend to view most of it literally, but I haven't done any real in-depth studies of Revelation.
"Beware a bunny wearing a pancake beret...It's just good advice." - mapthis
"All I needed was MGB and Fanatic and I coulda died a happy woman." - Avendesora (speaking of aero and Wulf being in the same chat)