Well, that's a resounding yes, then. I love shopping in the city, with all the little streets and boutiques and stuff, but there's a lot to be said for the mall-like place near me.
1. Do you go to the mall? How often? (if you don’t go to the mall, stop now and go to the mall!)
Yep. Whenever the mood takes me, but usually every fortnight or so. I shop an awful lot more often, but I work right in the middle of town so a lot of my clothes purchasing is done at lunchtime.
2. Do you like the mall or do you just go because it has a lot of stores?
Stores. Apart from that it's full of thirteen-year-olds clogging up changing rooms.
3. Do you have a favorite store that you always hit first?
No, I get the stuff I have to get first, or else I'll forget.
4. Do you have a store you always hit last?
Usually the newsagent, for the Irish Times, twenty Marlboro Lights, Vogue and a Lemon Diet Coke.
5. What’s the longest you’ve ever spent sitting on the floor in an accessory store playing with sparkly jewelry?
On the floor? No. My problem with the accessory shop in my closest mall-type place is the volume of kids. I get in, purchase what is necessary at the speed of light and get out.
6. Do you try on clothes you know you will never buy?
No. If I try it on and it fits, it's coming home with me.
7. Why don’t you buy them?!
8. Has a blonde 16 year old girl ever run up to you in a clothing store and asked you if her shorts make her look like a sausage?
No, but random strangers have asked me similar things in changing rooms. I try to be helpful and honest.
On a side note - sausage?
9. You obviously don’t live in Toledo Ohio, do you?
Definitely not
10. Isn’t the mall heinously overpriced?
Same prices as the city
11. Do you ever just walk around looking at all the people in the mall?
No, because they're generally annoying children, mummies with shopping trolllies or bemused boyfriends with glazed eyes.
12. What is everyone’s obsession with the colors red and pink all of a sudden?!
Obsession? Really? My favourite colours, it must be said, but if we're talking store fashion here, I've noticed more yellow.
13. Should it bother me that I blew $65 at the mall yesterday on 4 things and cup of coffee?
Absolutely not. Buyer's remorse is pointless.
14. But all the stuff was for Prom! You have to spend a lot of money on Prom! Right?
If it was for Prom, you should go back and spend more. Lots more.
15. Should I go back to the mall today?
Irish Honey