Some of what you said reminded me of that, or one form of Gnosticism. Just curious.
That's the first time somebody's actually suggested neo-gnostic to discribe my beliefs. I don't suppose its too far off, but.. well.. lemme just try to encapsulate it.
Simply speaking, I dismiss ALL ideas of judgement. There is no heaven, there is no hell. Not in terms of places. The Pope stated as much in an address, but I am forgetting the source off the top of my head. I don't follow any religion. I know Spirit. It and I chat. Be that Gnosticism, Mysticism, or Insanity, I dunno.. But it's guided me to a few simple truths. There are 2 forces in the universe, Love and Fear. They are antithetical to each other. To know the Divine, conquer fear, and do your best to live in Love.
Throughout the cycles if incarnation, here and other places, we are learning being. Be-ing, I should say. Experience is the meaning, and as we experience, we grow in be-ing. There are entities which are "higher" and those "lower", but ALL besides the Source are still in lesson, still growing.
We can talk to Source.. we can talk to various other beings.. But we in the West have the problem of having to learn to quiet down the blather with fills our lives and our minds to be able to hear their response.. it's kind of difficult with the earth in the state it is. That may be changing, but I'll not digress into that at this time.
I remember previous existances.. I also remember some of the time in between incarnations. But these are my experiences of it, and will not be the same for others. Beyond the Veil, reality is a product of consciousness, not finitude.
He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee. -- Friedrich Nietzsche