lol i think she just wanted to use the word flamboyant in real life
lol, that is a cool word. Flamboyant. Sweet
baby if i came for a visit we wouldn't be shopping
Okay this is true, but we could take a No we couldnt could we? nevermind.
even if pout and look really cute?
*frowns* You know I cant resist you when you do that dear, but that would sort of be my money to get home
i'm a bargain shopper, clearance racks and i are good friends
lol, I know how that is. Especially when most of the things you buy, you buy with change like me? Yeah you learn where the deals are
*grins* looking forward to it
Now am I allowed to wear a bright orange tux? Because that would rule
lol i so do, especially if i'm getting a convertible this summer... *takes deep breath*
Say whaaaaaat?
The Duke of Wotmania.
"Ryan got made a king, Danielle cleaned up on Wheel of Fortune, and Maddy got molested by a dragon!"
Ohio Gathering 2008. Where were you when the we laid siege to the Magic Castle?
OCWIATJ Forever.