Flamboyant eh? I'm not sure that thats how i'd describe it. When I do that my friends just call me arrogant
lol i think she just wanted to use the word flamboyant in real life
Oh but it is. Did I tell you that in my mile long mall there are 4 Pac Suns and a total of 54 jewelry stores and 127 clothing stores. Sure you dont wanna come visit?
baby if i came for a visit we wouldn't be shopping
Bah, well alright, as long as you understand that i'm not buying you any of it
even if pout and look really cute?
Yeah being broke aint exactly good times
lol thats all? Seriously though, your prices must be way cheaper or something.
i'm a bargain shopper, clearance racks and i are good friends
*grins* Its a date then
*grins* looking forward to it
lol, you so need to learn to drive without being a threat to all other human beings
lol i so do, especially if i'm getting a convertible this summer...
"Goddamn it! Who gave Max Payne the power to channel?" - Edge
"Max Payne is officially Naeblis!" - Maddy