1. Do you go to the mall? How often? (if you don’t go to the mall, stop now and go to the mall!)There's one down the street, so I'll paroose aroune there once in a while.
2. Do you like the mall or do you just go because it has a lot of stores?I do'nt care for it, I only go to a few stores, in fact it's become . . .
3. Do you have a favorite store that you always hit first? a routine, I go to Barnes and Noble first, then wrap around over Huntington Ave. into the copley place, up the escalotors to Electronics Boutique, then out and around, down the stairs, go int oBonsai Garden, then out, walk all the way to the end of hte mall, go into that earth wicca buddhist odd place, back out and over huntington into the prudential center, around. . .
4. Do you have a store you always hit last?
. . . if I'm hungry I get a cajun burger and chili cheese fries at flamers, then into the Game Stop, and then out onto boylston st. EVERYTIME, am I sick or what
5. What’s the longest you’ve ever spent sitting on the floor in an accessory store playing with sparkly jewelry?huh?
6. Do you try on clothes you know you will never buy?if I went to a place like saks fifth ave , a place like that probably wouldnt let me try on the clothes though
7. Why don’t you buy them?!
Saks Fifth Ave. I've never been in there, but I imagine their pants are like 200 a piece.
8. Has a blonde 16 year old girl ever run up to you in a clothing store and asked you if her shorts make her look like a sausage?
9. You obviously don’t live in Toledo Ohio, do you?no
10. Isn’t the mall heinously overpriced?
I don't pay enough attention, for what I like to buy usually not
11. Do you ever just walk around looking at all the people in the mall?
if their's pretty girls to look at
12. What is everyone’s obsession with the colors red and pink all of a sudden?!
Gah! pink stinks, RED though, kicks azzz
13. Should it bother me that I blew $65 at the mall yesterday on 4 things and cup of coffee?It would bother me, but any blowing of many bothers me, even on groceries
14. But all the stuff was for Prom! You have to spend a lot of money on Prom! Right?I love prom night! That's like one of my all time favorite nights.
15. Should I go back to the mall today?
once is enough
Enjoy! ¡ åm ‡h€çråz¥†®ø££øç
I'm a bad trolloc