You never told me why she said that anyway. Flamboyant?
lol, geez I go to the mall (or one of my several malls ) at least 3 times a week. Maybe more if I can swing it.
Oh I love malls. The atmosphere, the *clears throat* sights , and the ability to mess with a ton of stuff while having no money to buy any of it
Hells yeah, I even have a cycle to work through. Cd store, book store, video store, video game store, Pac Sun, arcade, food court, then I just cruise around for anything intresting
Not really, though mostly I will sweep by the cd store one last time
Um, I dont think you can measure lengths of time that short
Yep, i'll go into Pac Sun and try on every shirt in the store. I'm such a chick like that
Because I am a poor poor poooooor college student. You know that!
Not a sausage, no. But I did get a girlfriend once in a similar situation
Um, quite unfortunately, no.
Yeah, but I love it anyway, because i'm too lazy to go to all the stores seperately.
Heck yeah. My buddies and I call it "profiling".
Pink is, according to my gay friends, in this season, but fucked if I know.
You managed to buy 4 things and a cup of coffee for only $65?! No way! Shoot, I could buy like a magazine for that much here
Oh yeah definitely. But since i'm not your date, I cant help you justify it quite as much
I dont see why not!
I always do baby
Benjamin Arthur Hesketh
amor vincit omnia