1. Have you ever been on an airplane?
*counts* 12 times already...wow...
2. Where did you go? Or if you fly too much to say all, where do you go most of the time?
Scotland, USA, Sweden
3. Do you like flying? Why (not)?
I don't, humans arent supposed to
4. Don't you just love sitting at an airport waiting for your flight? I know I do. So many people to watch, so many things to see....
watching people is fun, but since I am always nervous I can't enjoy it that much
5. Any funny plane/airport related stories?
oh god, my Washington delay and the flight itself with the dozen black guys sitting around me was funny...looking back now at least...looong story and maybe not enjoyable for others but myself.
6. What do you usually do during your flight? Just sit and wait? Read? Sleep?
sit and wait, maybe read or write...watched the movies to USA of course
7. Window or aisle seat?
I prefer window, the view is nice
8. Have you ever missed a flight? If so, what did you do?
9. What's your favourite airport? Why?
Hahn, because it's where I saw my baby for the first time
10. If money wasn't an issue, would you travel by plane more often?
it's cheaper than using trains through Europe actually...so money isn't the biggest issue actually
11. If you could take a flight to anywhere you want, but you'd have to leave right now, with just enough time to pack a suitcase, where would you go?
12. Has the airline ever lost your suitcase? Which airline was it?
13. It looks like I'll be flying a lot in the years to come. What airlines should I avoid?
mine worked all very well
13 questions....that'll have to do. Thank you for your time, and enjoy, or something. I'll go and find myself some food now, because they don't even feed you on these short flights....a sandwich with a slice of cheese that tastes like plastic is the best I can hope for. I'll read your replies tonight when I get back
Good flight and welcome back in Wales
Belals Girl: my last wotmania Sedai.
and this is my last wotmania signature...ever...wow.