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no! feline_huntress - 14/04/2004 04:57:21 PM

1. Do you go to the mall? How often? (if you don’t go to the mall, stop now and go to the mall!)
i rarely go. there aren't really malls here.

2. Do you like the mall or do you just go because it has a lot of stores?
hate it! only go under dire circumstances

3. Do you have a favorite store that you always hit first?
no, i hate all the stores equally.

4. Do you have a store you always hit last?
if last=first then yeah.

5. What’s the longest you’ve ever spent sitting on the floor in an accessory store playing with sparkly jewelry?
i've never done that.

6. Do you try on clothes you know you will never buy?
no. i do try on clothes that will never fit me, though

7. Why don’t you buy them?!
usually because they don't fit.

8. Has a blonde 16 year old girl ever run up to you in a clothing store and asked you if her shorts make her look like a sausage?
fortunately not.

9. You obviously don’t live in Toledo Ohio, do you?
fortunately not.

10. Isn’t the mall heinously overpriced?
well, i wouldn't want to buy the whole thing...

11. Do you ever just walk around looking at all the people in the mall?
i'd avoid that at all costs.

12. What is everyone’s obsession with the colors red and pink all of a sudden?!
all of a sudden? valentines day was a while back...

13. Should it bother me that I blew $65 at the mall yesterday on 4 things and cup of coffee?
i could blow 65 bucks on just one thing, so no.

14. But all the stuff was for Prom! You have to spend a lot of money on Prom! Right?
prom? what's that short for? i don't think i understand.

15. Should I go back to the mall today?
if it suits you, fish for it


"But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand."

from 'the velveteen rabbit'

first warder to lord malshun

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Don't you just love the mall?! - 14/04/2004 03:52:54 PM 251 Views
no. I hate it. gah. - 14/04/2004 04:03:42 PM 19 Views
the mall?! i LOVE the mall! - 14/04/2004 04:10:47 PM 11 Views
Ok... - 14/04/2004 04:16:41 PM 9 Views
nope - 14/04/2004 04:19:12 PM 7 Views
Yes - 14/04/2004 04:35:23 PM 19 Views
your mall makes my mall sad *NM* - 14/04/2004 04:43:39 PM 3 Views
- 14/04/2004 05:00:05 PM 9 Views
I just hate it - 14/04/2004 04:43:59 PM 6 Views
no! - 14/04/2004 04:57:21 PM 7 Views
Mallrats was a good movie - 14/04/2004 05:00:41 PM 11 Views
Damn straight! *NM* - 14/04/2004 05:37:09 PM 2 Views
Gack *NM* - 14/04/2004 05:05:17 PM 3 Views
No to almost all. *NM* - 14/04/2004 05:08:24 PM 2 Views
Yes, I too, am a teenage mallrat. - 14/04/2004 05:33:39 PM 12 Views
I knew it! *NM* - 14/04/2004 10:10:08 PM 3 Views
- 14/04/2004 11:42:12 PM 4 Views
- 15/04/2004 12:22:09 AM 4 Views
lol i bet you are - 14/04/2004 11:00:10 PM 6 Views
Re: lol i bet you are - 14/04/2004 11:34:33 PM 3 Views
Re: lol i bet you are - 14/04/2004 11:44:46 PM 4 Views
Re: lol i bet you are - 14/04/2004 11:54:38 PM 3 Views
Re: lol i bet you are - 15/04/2004 12:06:29 AM 4 Views
Re: lol i bet you are - 15/04/2004 12:12:36 AM 4 Views
Meh. - 14/04/2004 06:31:42 PM 7 Views
of course - 14/04/2004 06:46:07 PM 8 Views
A girly survey. - 14/04/2004 08:05:43 PM 5 Views
What is wrong with you, Danielle?! - 14/04/2004 09:53:27 PM 9 Views
i'm sorry Jessie! i just can't help it! - 14/04/2004 10:51:05 PM 3 Views
Yes, yes you can! Resist! - 14/04/2004 10:55:45 PM 4 Views
I'll try! - 14/04/2004 11:04:38 PM 4 Views
I hate that smiley. It messed up. - 14/04/2004 11:07:28 PM 4 Views
lol i noticed - 14/04/2004 11:16:30 PM 7 Views
Can I get one in pink? - 14/04/2004 11:40:36 PM 5 Views
No. Absolutely not. *NM* - 15/04/2004 12:23:45 AM 2 Views
LOL! - 15/04/2004 12:22:55 AM 4 Views
*takes a bow* - 15/04/2004 12:49:52 AM 5 Views
Hardly. *NM* - 15/04/2004 08:11:12 PM 3 Views
lol ok i'm no ones servant - 15/04/2004 11:51:15 PM 4 Views
Re: Don't you just love the mall?! - 14/04/2004 10:28:08 PM 4 Views
Malls Suck - 15/04/2004 01:26:16 AM 6 Views
nope. I loathe it. - 15/04/2004 03:09:31 AM 5 Views
Mall as in place with shops? - 15/04/2004 05:38:41 AM 11 Views
I live across the street from a mall - 15/04/2004 08:47:48 AM 4 Views
Yes, yes I do. I'm going tomorrow! - 15/04/2004 10:39:51 PM 3 Views