Yes. Whenever I get a chance. The closest mall that's any good is a half-hour drive and two cities away
I usually go for movies... or for a particular purpose (the water park, get expensive clothes, get CDs that a small town CD place won't have, etc.)
Nah. Unless Silvercity counts as a store...
Nah... Unless the washroom at Silvercity counts as a store...
Umm... never done that.
Not unless I'm shopping with my mom. I don't see how a 32/36 at one store can be a 42/48 at another
Yes Stupid food has to be so bloody expensive there
I dunno...
Not at all... unlewss the coffee was the expensive one
Yes. Definitely. I spent $120 on my shoes for prom, so...
I did
"Goddamn it! Who gave Max Payne the power to channel?" - Edge
"Max Payne is officially Naeblis!" - Maddy