Active Users:428 Time:08/09/2024 12:04:41 AM
Trixy. You ppl might still get rid of me if you keep up this. *NM* jh - 09/04/2004 06:20:08 PM


I mean you harm.

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Who cares what a cow thinks? Seriously. - Elaine

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CMB3 Rollcall.....again. - 09/04/2004 10:20:32 AM 368 Views
Present! ... again. *NM* - 09/04/2004 10:21:18 AM 18 Views
Me, again. Woo? *NM* - 09/04/2004 10:23:05 AM 15 Views
Still here (again) *NM* - 09/04/2004 10:23:11 AM 14 Views
Still Alive! *NM* - 09/04/2004 10:23:27 AM 10 Views
Yessir *NM* - 09/04/2004 10:23:40 AM 12 Views
Still here. Or here again. Or something. *looks confused* *NM* - 09/04/2004 10:23:41 AM 12 Views
I suppose so. *NM* - 09/04/2004 10:27:44 AM 15 Views
Lurking as usual! - 09/04/2004 10:31:23 AM 22 Views
Tally Ho, Blood and Bloody Ashes, Suck Spam, Be Nice to Quokkas. *NM* - 09/04/2004 10:33:17 AM 17 Views
still here. *NM* - 09/04/2004 10:38:47 AM 11 Views
Made it again, too *NM* - 09/04/2004 10:40:39 AM 22 Views
lurk lurk lurk *high fives to twygis* - 09/04/2004 10:43:07 AM 22 Views
Nope. *NM* - 09/04/2004 10:46:07 AM 16 Views
here *NM* - 09/04/2004 10:46:17 AM 15 Views
*scratches head* no? *NM* - 09/04/2004 10:55:22 AM 13 Views
heheheh HERE! (again) *NM* - 09/04/2004 11:04:20 AM 16 Views
Here as always *NM* - 09/04/2004 11:08:16 AM 12 Views
Curses, had some interesting threads going too. *NM* - 09/04/2004 11:13:10 AM 14 Views
A very disappointed Wulf checks in... - 09/04/2004 11:16:01 AM 34 Views
w00t *NM* - 09/04/2004 11:20:19 AM 18 Views
Here *NM* - 09/04/2004 11:23:23 AM 13 Views
I am here. I think. *NM* - 09/04/2004 11:33:39 AM 15 Views
Where did it all go? *NM* - 09/04/2004 11:39:38 AM 13 Views
Well, that's crap - 09/04/2004 11:39:42 AM 37 Views
It is. - 09/04/2004 11:46:10 AM 22 Views
Really? - 09/04/2004 11:56:17 AM 20 Views
Yes. - 09/04/2004 11:59:23 AM 20 Views
Woe!!!!! - 09/04/2004 12:34:39 PM 17 Views
Ha ha, the last CMB is like Jesus - 09/04/2004 11:44:19 AM 28 Views
Here...sorta...or well maybe? I think I'm here at least. *NM* - 09/04/2004 11:47:25 AM 14 Views
*raises hand* "Here" *NM* - 09/04/2004 11:49:04 AM 11 Views
Still here *NM* - 09/04/2004 12:17:16 PM 13 Views
Im here but highly sad now. *NM* - 09/04/2004 12:18:45 PM 11 Views
Still here. Sorry, haven't gone yet. - 09/04/2004 12:19:15 PM 14 Views
Still here. *NM* - 09/04/2004 12:22:48 PM 17 Views
*yawns* *NM* - 09/04/2004 12:32:40 PM 15 Views
ho hum *NM* - 09/04/2004 12:37:06 PM 14 Views
*snort* *push button* Z Z Z z z z... *NM* - 09/04/2004 12:46:51 PM 13 Views
I'm still here...again. *NM* - 09/04/2004 12:55:20 PM 18 Views
Man, I hate it when we lose stuff. - 09/04/2004 12:58:46 PM 21 Views
<appear>Is here!</appear> *NM* - 09/04/2004 12:59:13 PM 14 Views
here! *NM* - 09/04/2004 01:20:24 PM 11 Views
Lurking as always... *NM* - 09/04/2004 01:33:10 PM 18 Views
- 09/04/2004 01:38:50 PM 15 Views
OoH! OoH! I'm here!!! - 09/04/2004 01:52:21 PM 16 Views
*Is here, but is asleep and drooling on her desk* *NM* - 09/04/2004 02:01:24 PM 15 Views
Here..... - 09/04/2004 02:09:59 PM 13 Views
*blink* Here. Kind of. I'm a little woozy. *NM* - 09/04/2004 02:24:19 PM 15 Views
Yar. I am *NM* - 09/04/2004 02:24:56 PM 20 Views
Yo. *NM* - 09/04/2004 02:36:02 PM 20 Views
Hi. *NM* - 09/04/2004 03:10:15 PM 13 Views
What an anti-climax... but I'm here, still. *NM* - 09/04/2004 04:08:15 PM 14 Views
Yes, hello. *NM* - 09/04/2004 06:17:44 PM 18 Views
Trixy. You ppl might still get rid of me if you keep up this. *NM* - 09/04/2004 06:20:08 PM 19 Views
lol... still not getting rid of me that easily *NM* - 09/04/2004 07:12:30 PM 13 Views
Crapola. Still here, though. *NM* - 09/04/2004 07:40:07 PM 14 Views
Yep. Made it. - 09/04/2004 07:47:36 PM 15 Views
Here... and still can't think of a clever line. *NM* - 09/04/2004 08:14:16 PM 13 Views
*Waves can of Mountain Dew in the air* I'm here. NM - 09/04/2004 08:16:51 PM 20 Views
what? oh, me.. yeah. i'm here still... *NM* - 09/04/2004 08:58:57 PM 12 Views
C@cknoodle. *NM* - 09/04/2004 09:33:17 PM 12 Views
*NM* - 09/04/2004 09:40:49 PM 17 Views
*NM* - 09/04/2004 11:22:17 PM 15 Views
...and again. *NM* - 10/04/2004 12:08:50 AM 17 Views
Still kickin' to the hobo sound. *NM* - 10/04/2004 02:42:05 AM 13 Views
May as well be. *NM* - 10/04/2004 10:04:07 AM 16 Views
Ah here I am ... as always *NM* - 10/04/2004 10:06:16 AM 13 Views
Phooey. *NM* - 10/04/2004 12:51:03 PM 15 Views
I missed the interrim board - 11/04/2004 08:24:04 AM 19 Views
here I be *NM* *NM* - 11/04/2004 06:35:08 PM 14 Views
Word to tha nerds. *NM* - 12/04/2004 09:16:40 AM 12 Views
*grumbles* - 12/04/2004 09:53:23 AM 16 Views
Ni *NM* *NM* *NM* *NM* *NM* *NM* *NM* *NM* *NM* - 12/04/2004 06:32:35 PM 16 Views
~bustles in~ OK, I'm here! What did I miss? *NM* - 13/04/2004 12:42:57 AM 18 Views
hi hi! *NM* - 13/04/2004 12:56:55 AM 12 Views
Late, but present *NM* - 13/04/2004 01:31:31 AM 13 Views
Even later, but here *NM* - 13/04/2004 05:25:57 AM 15 Views
Late as always....but I'm here *NM* - 13/04/2004 02:16:52 PM 12 Views
To those about to rock... we salute you *NM* - 14/04/2004 07:07:20 PM 15 Views
Yeah, well. - 16/04/2004 09:44:03 AM 18 Views
I'm here - 22/04/2004 10:16:27 AM 12 Views
please don't mark me late, i had car trouble!! - 23/04/2004 11:22:07 PM 15 Views