And so on those fateful words are people wed in many sectors of the world, and so in this survey I find out who's said them
Are you married?
How long have you been married?
I WAS married for about five years.
Is it a 1st marriage, or 2nd . . . or 3rd?
1st. I've been engaged once since but never married again.
If you had a divorce, what caused it?
Too many differences. The wife walked out. Turned out to be the best favor she could have done me. What a boat anchor!
How many "little you's" are running around, you know, children ?
Not a one.
That's all thank you
Silver Warder
Warder to Rebelaessedai
Risk everything - or gain nothing.
Geoffrey de Charney - 1356
Deeds - Not words
Remembering Joe (CrazedWeasel)