Active Users:351 Time:31/03/2025 11:04:29 PM
where have all the hot soldiers gone? or.... LiterateDog - 13/04/2004 07:08:49 PM

...why am i so shallow and perverted?

so, i was reading a news magazine today. (time fyi) and i saw a picture of some american soldiers in an article about iraq. and i thought to myself, "huh. not one of them is hot." ('cause, believe me, i always notice when men are hot. ) and that got me to thinking back. when the war first started i'd see all kinds of very fine-looking troops in magazines and on the tv. i mean, back then, i was totally thinking that i'd happily send those boys off to war with a smile on their faces. johnny comes marching home again, indeed. but, now, its like they're not showing the good-looking ones anymore. was this false advertising before? advertising intended to lure the gay male populace into supporting the war effort? if it was, i must say, bravo! i was totally on board. but now i'm like, what gives? you need to sell this war to me some more. enough with the plain looking guys, i want some hotties! i might could even vote for gw again if only i could see some more hot soldiers parading around again all sweaty and stuff. yea.

If It Makes You Happy

Frankly, I don't know why anybody listens to actors about anything other than acting. Since when does the ability to fake emotions on cue like a sociopath make one an expert on anything?

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where have all the hot soldiers gone? or.... - 13/04/2004 07:08:49 PM 214 Views
I'm ashamed - 13/04/2004 07:11:08 PM 58 Views
GODDAMNIT - 13/04/2004 07:15:29 PM 49 Views
yea, and you don't have any hot men to look at either - 15/04/2004 07:56:26 AM 4 Views
And where's the hot G.I. babes in camoflauge bikini tops. *NM* - 13/04/2004 07:14:40 PM 8 Views
Re: And where's the hot G.I. babes in camoflauge bikini tops. - 13/04/2004 07:39:07 PM 27 Views
That was why Jessica Lynch was there. But she got sent home. *NM* - 13/04/2004 07:43:25 PM 2 Views
meh, you have enough slutty female eyecandy in the world *NM* - 15/04/2004 07:57:25 AM 2 Views
TX *NM* - 13/04/2004 07:45:32 PM 3 Views
*checks greyhound bus schedule* - 15/04/2004 07:54:12 AM 3 Views
But man, those goats are...nevermind. *NM* - 13/04/2004 07:46:04 PM 4 Views
hmmm - 13/04/2004 08:20:24 PM 21 Views
well, i doubt it - 15/04/2004 07:55:49 AM 3 Views
They have all escaped to Marine commercials. - 13/04/2004 09:35:54 PM 26 Views
*nods back* perhaps so - 15/04/2004 07:55:02 AM 2 Views
nah you all wrong. they simply saw the light - 13/04/2004 10:39:58 PM 18 Views
hmmmm....canada - 15/04/2004 07:58:09 AM 2 Views
It simply isn't fair. - 14/04/2004 05:42:59 AM 15 Views
what the hell, indeed - 15/04/2004 07:53:16 AM 5 Views
U South Carolina campus - 14/04/2004 12:14:26 PM 12 Views
even more reason to come visit y'all - 15/04/2004 07:51:30 AM 6 Views
Damn straight - 15/04/2004 12:32:14 PM 4 Views
perhaps the goodlooking ones got killed off? - 14/04/2004 04:11:08 PM 12 Views
why are you so evil? - 15/04/2004 07:52:14 AM 7 Views
- 15/04/2004 02:23:42 PM 6 Views