is your tuition statement from your university. you should be able to get tax credit for the tuition you paid in 2003 if it was at an "eligible" School, i'm rummaging around my office for my old brochure on this. if i find it i'll let you know and if you want i can send it to you somehow...
I guessed as much but then there was no mention of this in the instructions for the form I was filling in. Perhaps I would have to fill in the 1040NR as opposed to the 1040NR-EZ. I shall look in the instructions for that one and see.
heh, you should try doing all the paperowork boo and i have to do for INS... now THAT'S what i call a pain in the ass...
I can imagine . At least I had to do it just the once - all day every day would be a nightmare.
better watch it, bush was suggesting deporting all non-citizens who commit a crime in the states... and he didn't say what crimes, so we're assuming parking tickets fall under that category too...
Well he can already lock me up if he so decides under the Patriot act so this doesn't surprise me . I'm paranoid about getting stopped for a parking ticket already ...
awww, how cute a grumpy excal... Excalibur
Aviendha's Englishman