As a lawyer I'm quite used to legalese, and like lots of lawyers I think it comes easily to me.
But every year I meet my match in the Form 1040. Generally speaking, the form itself isn't too bad, but what always gets me are the silly backup worksheets that I have to complete. You know, the ones that you have to fill out just to figure out whether you have to enter anything for a certain item on the Form itself. The worksheets consist of a series of non-intuitive mathematical exercises. So every year I fill out the stupid Alternative Minimum Tax worksheet, and every year I determine that I don't owe the AMT (which is a good thing), but I can never figure out why--the arithmetic just turns out that way. Always leaves me feeling a little worried.
Sadly, this year my wife and I owe the IRS bigtime. And even though we know why, there was no way to fix our withholding to prevent having to write such a depressingly large check