No, it doesn't, but it does matter in the other direction. IF the world were found to be younger, evolution would not work in its current conceptualization. How can you not see that as connected? Evolution is the theory of change over TIME.
Right. Change in allele frequency in a population over time, namely.
If the world were found to be younger, that'd just mean that what animals ARE here didn't get here by evolving. They'd still *be* evolving. That's what happens when you have a genetic code the transcription of which in reproduction works the way it does here on Earth, and a changing environment. Evolution as a theory doesn't require the age of the earth to be anything. Evolution as an *explanation for how all these various animals got here* does--and, yes, if you proved the earth was young, it'd no longer be a viable explanation.
Proven to your mind.
I could say it's a good thing that every person on Earth who has died has learned that there is a God, you just aren't aware of that proof.
You could respond that you don't have access to that sort of proof. Well, what if I don't see the sense of evolution?
You may reply I'm too stupid, or just haven't realized the truth yet.
I reply the same way.
I am not yet born, console me.
I fear that the human race may with tall walls wall me,
with strong drugs dope me, with wise lies lure me,
on black racks rack me, in blood-baths roll me.