Here goes:
Bring it...
1. Is spring your favorite time of the year too???
2. Why? Why not?
The change from cold weather to warm takes away from my sweater wearing time... Just love my sweater...
3. Do you like hot weather or cool?
Cool... You can only take off so much clothing but you can keep adding...
4. If you were going on a trip tomorrow, and funds were not limited, where would you go?
Uhhh... Las Vegas to Star Trek: The Expirence...
5. If you WERE limited to, say, $1500, where would you go?
Cedar Point...
6. Would you travel alone?
Maybe... Might go with disturbed chaos...
7. Where do you like to go shopping for spring clothes?
What are clothes?
8. What color do you wear the most of and why?
Kahki and black... Just what I have the most of...
9. What is your favorite spring time activity? (Birds and bees? Sitting under a tree? )
Sleeping... If not a Spring activity then the short walks I sometimes go on...
10. Do you visit wotmania more or less over the spring and coming summer months?
More... I hate heat unless it's Winter so I tend to stay inside...
11. Do you have allergies?
Just to things like poison oak, ivory, and sumac... I hate it even if I don't scratch it spreads like a wild fire in a dry land...
12. Do you ever go horseback riding?
No... Would like to though...
13. Do mushy couples make you feel ill?
Only if I'm single... I usually am though...
That's all.
Have fun!
I shall try... wheeloftimefan
Just another post by
SN J-Whitt USN