1. Is spring your favorite time of the year too???
Nope. Late Summer, early Autumn.
2. Why? Why not?
Cos I like another time better
3. Do you like hot weather or cool?
Hot, but not too hot.
4. If you were going on a trip tomorrow, and funds were not limited, where would you go?
A "Round the World" Jeep drive with some close friends.
5. If you WERE limited to, say, $1500, where would you go?
S'about enough for a few weeks around Europe. Although, going to NZ again would be cool. Or Oz.
6. Would you travel alone?
I could, I've done it before and been fine with it, but travelling with mates is always better.
7. Where do you like to go shopping for spring clothes?
I don't
8. What color do you wear the most of and why?
Blue and/or gray/cream. Dunno why.
9. What is your favorite spring time activity? (Birds and bees? Sitting under a tree? )
Hmmm. Dunno, not ever thought about this... I don't think I have a single favourite.
10. Do you visit wotmania more or less over the spring and coming summer months?
Less. TRAVEL!!!
11. Do you have allergies?
Yeah, hayfever (only around the exams though. Kinda wierd.
12. Do you ever go horseback riding?
Once, and I made the mistake of wearing shorts >.<
13. Do mushy couples make you feel ill?
Nope. I am one
That's all.
Have fun!
Thanks, you too Alexia is my Cute Australian™
Proudly Bonded to Rana Sedai
It was all my fault...
I'm a sexy chicken for Zeeb
Vegas Aug 17-18 - A Night to Remember