I remember answering these twice before. Do you really want my answers a third time?
1. What is your favorite Christmas carol of all time?
*shrugs* One that I don't need to sing?
2. What's your time in relation to wotmania Time?
Currently, +6, usually, +5
3. What's your favorite flavour of ice cream?
melon. or chocolate.
4. What's your favorite pizza topping?
5. Any funny childhood stories?
nothing comes to mind...
6. What kind of sandwiches are your favourites? Top 3.
tuna, egg mayonaise, cheese
7. On what kind of bread?
8. Toasted or normal?
9. Pancakes: What do you like on them?
sugar, strawberry jam, icecream, or warm cherries
10. Ever fall asleep in the shower? Still standing up?
11. What's your favourite Iced Tea brand?
pickwick, but it's dutch so i doubt you know it.
12. Or are you one of them freaks who makes their own?
hehe. no. i'm too lazy to do that.
13. And what flavour would that be?
i like both lemon and peach.
14. Which colour scheme do you use?
15. Water or soft drinks?
soft drinks, usually. or sparkling water.
16. If you could go back in time and change something in your life, any one thing at all, would you?
no. bad things have happened, but they've made me who i am now, and i like who i am.
17. And if you would, what would you change?
18. If you could go back to your early childhood knowing what you know now, what would you do differently? Or would you keep your life the same?
keep it the same, for reasons mentioned in q. 16
19. What's the grossest pizza topping ever?
20. What do you think of me? Am I a jackass? Funny? Smart?
21. Any self-proclaimed losers at wotmania?
not really....are there?
22. Any losers in general?
23. Do you have a "crush"(not exactly that, since a crush is like infatuation, which is physical) on anyone at wotmania? If so, who? If not... uhh... yeah.
have had in the past. and no, not telling
24. Have you ever been in love?
depends on what you define as 'in love'.
25. Are you in love now?
i don't know. there is someone in my life who means a lot to me, but it's all very new and early.
26. Have you found your soul-mate?
i don't believe in soul-mates.
27. What's the difference between love and infatuation?
love is the deeper feeling that sometimes follows infatuation.
28. What's the difference between love and true love?
there is no such thing as 'true' love.
29. Do you even believe in the concept of true love?
30. Have you found your true love?
31. Worst pick-up line?
32. How ‘bout some good things to say to women to really flatter them?
that really depends on the woman. Complimenting her about something she cares about, like saying she's good at something she really wants to be good at, is usually a good one - but only if it's true!
33. What's your favourite...
breakfast cereal?
sandwich&cup of tea
ice cream
pie flavour?
dougnut filler?
don't like doughnuts
hotdog condement(s)?
ham/cheeseburger condement(s)?
soft drink?
diet coke
pancake flavour?
sundae flavour?
34. Spicy or mild?
ehm....mediterranean-style spicy. not asian.
35. Sweet or bitter?
36. What's best meal you've ever eaten at a restaurant?
very nice, lean steak with peppercorn sauce
37. What's the best home-made meal someone's made for you?
almost anything my mum cooks
38. Coke or Pepsi?
coke. pepsi's too sweet
39. Do you like whipped cream?
40. In hot chocolate?
41. How ‘bout marshmallows?
like marshmallows but not in hot chocolate
42. Am I whipped?
argh. not the whipped questions again.
43. What's your favourite part of the opposite sex?
44. I'm useless. Anyone have any ideas?
yeah. find yourself a use
45. Slumber parties... do they really have pillow fights in their nighties at those?
i've never had one....but i do remember a slumber party where everyone danced outside in the rain in underwear...
46. Is jh sweet and innocent?
heh. no matter how often you ask this question, the answer remains no
47. Is jh whipped?
48. Are you whipped?
49. Have you ever eaten in the shower?
50. If so, what was it?
51. What about in a bath?
52. Speaking of baths, how much water do you like(i.e.covering you nearly completely, or just enough to do the job)?
coverign me completely
53. How hot do you like your showers?
are we going to have the discussion about fahrenheit and celsius again? 'cause it's still 39 degrees celsius, but that answer didn't really help you last time
54. How about your baths?
55. What's your favourite chip(as in, potatoe chip) flavour?
ready salted or cheese&onion
56. What's the best chip dip flavour? Is it good enough to eat without the chips? How about without anything(as in, just on your finger or a spoon)?
no dip
57. Do you play with your food?
not usually.
58. What's the best food combination that makes family and/or friends sick just to think of?
being dutch, i like mayonnaise. my british friends think it's disgusting
59. What about you, physically, do you think is the most attractive to the opposite sex?
*shrugs* good figure
60. What about you, mentally, do you think is the most attractive to the opposite sex?
61. What's your favourite movie in the following categories:
lock, stock & 2 smoking barrels
Sci Fi?
ehm....fight club, or crouching tiger, hidden dragon
lion king
indiana jones
*shrugs* i have yet to find a horror movie that actually _scares_ me
Parody(like Scary Movie, and Not Another Teen Movie, or Screach, and Viper)?
robin hood: men in tights
62. What's the best thing to do for a first date?
go somewhere where you can talk
63. What about my food surveys?
what about them?
64. Speaking of food surveys, what's the funniest breakfast cereal name?
65. What makes a first date great?
feeling a connection with the other person
66. What about it (the first date) really makes you want to go for the second?
the presence of that connection
67. What sort of conversation (on the first date) is acceptable (on both ends of the spectrum)?
almost anything. probably not sex, though
68. What kind of conversation (again, on the first date) is a definite NO (in the terms of, don't even utter the words)?
see above
69. When should the standards ("getting to know you" on the first date; to "other stuff"; to "sexual stuff" ) for conversation really change?
whenever it feels right to do so.
70. Do you think you could ever be in love on the first date?
71. Or is it always eventual, just moving at different rates depending on the person?
more likely
72. Do you believe in the concept of soul-mates?
73. So what does this concept entail?
74. Are you bound to one person for your entire life, and given the feeling that you have to find that other person?
75. What happens if you cannot find him/her?
you'll find someone else.
76. Do you go through life time after time until you do find him/her, or is it a one time only thing?
77. What happens if you find him/her, but you can't be together?
if you really want it, you can make it happen. otherwise, you move on and find someone else.
78. Do you have more than one?
79. Have you found your soul-mate, or are you still searching?
80. Do you (or have you been told that you) look like anybody famous?
81. Do I look like Ben Stiller?
a bit
82. Is a sense of humor neccessary in your girl/guy?
83. What type of body type/build are you attracted to?
tall, thin
84. Do you ever find yourself thinking "Gee... Julia Gulia is a funny name. Adam Sandler, you're a smart guy." only to dread getting up in the morning because of the last sentence?
85. If you had to choose between Rand, Mat, Perrin, Elayne, Min, Aviendha, Tuon, Galad, Gawyn, Faile ( ), or Egwene, which would it be? (that's not on topic
It's sex/dream stuff
from this lot, gawyn. free choice from wot, rhuarc or lan.
86. How much do you want your woman/man to be like you?
d. In some ways?
87. Is Trigger the greatest ever?
hehe. no. he has too many points.
88. Who's the first person you think of when you hear a certain song? And what is this song, by the way?
oh, there are so many....
89. Do you think it's romantic if a guy cooks for you?
if he can, yes
90. What about breakfast in bed?
91. Do guys need to be able to dance?
no. i don't dance, either.
92. Do slow dancing and two-stepping count as dances?
93. So would it be okay if a guy could only do those two?
94. What about muscle? Do guys actually have to be buffed? Or is it fine to just not be a wad of fat?(my apologies to those who are)
just not fat
95. What's more romantic: Candle lit (home-made by him)dinner/Long walk under the stars/Something else(please say what it is)?
long walk under the stars
96. How many of you women think I'm kissably handsome (check profile)?
97. Do you have any idea what is meant by “funnily cute”? Am I “funnily cute”?
98. Why do women always seem to delight in confusing me? Especially with the references that could be either sexual or completely innocent?
'cause it's fun
99. So... Are you satisfied with your... umm... your breasts/body(choose one or both to answe)? Do you think your significant other (or possible significant other) is satisfied?
mostly, yes. he seems to like it
100. So... Are you satisfied with your... umm... you know... package? Do you think your significant other (or possible significant other) is satisfied?
Hope you had fun
sure but please don't recycle them again
....3 times is enough for anyone
First time I answered these questions:
Second time I answered these questions:
Morgawse Sedai
Mornings happen to other people.
Passionate Heerenveen Fan
I survived Michigan 2004