But if evolution is not, in fact, a fact, it doesn't matter how old the earth is. They're two different issues, just like abiogenesis--the origin of life--and evolution are two different issues.
No, it doesn't, but it does matter in the other direction. IF the world were found to be younger, evolution would not work in its current conceptualization. How can you not see that as connected? Evolution is the theory of change over TIME.
Good thing that it's been proven, over and over, that the earth IS that old, huh?
Proven to your mind.
I could say it's a good thing that every person on Earth who has died has learned that there is a God, you just aren't aware of that proof.
You could respond that you don't have access to that sort of proof. Well, what if I don't see the sense of evolution?
You may reply I'm too stupid, or just haven't realized the truth yet.
I reply the same way.
Arok Manok - Ex-admin Extraordinaire
Future Post-Apocalypse Warlord
I'd rather be throwing a frisbee right now