1. What is your favorite Christmas carol of all time?
Holy Night
2. What's your time in relation to wotmania Time?
Er...14 hrs ahead, I think
3. What's your favorite flavour of ice cream?
Liqourice or Old English Toffee
4. What's your favorite pizza topping?
No pizza, yuk
5. Any funny childhood stories?
6. What kind of sandwiches are your favourites? Top 3.
Vegemite, then tomato, cheese, onion and mayo, then salad.
7. On what kind of bread?
8. Toasted or normal?
normal, please. Hold the salt.
9. Pancakes: What do you like on them?
strawberries and cream
10. Ever fall asleep in the shower? Still standing up?
I think I may have...
11. What's your favourite Iced Tea brand?
12. Or are you one of them freaks who makes their own?
13. And what flavour would that be?
14. Which colour scheme do you use?
Here at Wotmania? Orange, now, for Kory
15. Water or soft drinks?
16. If you could go back in time and change something in your life, any one thing at all, would you?
17. And if you would, what would you change?
I wouyld open my mouth and say what should have been said on my behalf when I was a wee wittle Wongie. That, or shoot someone dead.
18. If you could go back to your early childhood knowing what you know now, what would you do differently? Or would you keep your life the same?
As above
19. What's the grossest pizza topping ever?
20. What do you think of me? Am I a jackass? Funny? Smart?
You know you're a cutie
21. Any self-proclaimed losers at wotmania?
22. Any losers in general?
Too many
23. Do you have a "crush"(not exactly that, since a crush is like infatuation, which is physical) on anyone at wotmania? If so, who? If not... uhh... yeah.
I do, and I do not.
24. Have you ever been in love?
No such thing, only hormones
25. Are you in love now?
Not a chance
26. Have you found your soul-mate?
Nope, and never shall
27. What's the difference between love and infatuation?
love is what should happen after the infatuation werars off
28. What's the difference between love and true love?
True love should be perfect?
29. Do you even believe in the concept of true love?
No. You cannot live with any one person for overly long before wanting to puty your fist through their face.
30. Have you found your true love?
31. Worst pick-up line?
Wanna root?
32. How ‘bout some good things to say to women to really flatter them?
As above
33. What's your favourite...
breakfast cereal?
Nutri Grain
pie flavour?
Eww...plain, I suppose
dougnut filler?
hotdog condement(s)?
Lol...the lot
ham/cheeseburger condement(s)?
T Sauce
soft drink?
pancake flavour?
There is more than one?
sundae flavour?
34. Spicy or mild?
35. Sweet or bitter?
36. What's best meal you've ever eaten at a restaurant?
Sundried tomato and prosciutto risotto
37. What's the best home-made meal someone's made for you?
My Nana Bet's Ox Tongue Soup
38. Coke or Pepsi?
39. Do you like whipped cream?
Whup it good
40. In hot chocolate?
Umm....that's a good idea...
41. How ‘bout marshmallows?
Yes please
42. Am I whipped?
You were last time I answered these.
43. What's your favourite part of the opposite sex?
Biceps, I suppose.
44. I'm useless. Anyone have any ideas?
Buy some castanets?
45. Slumber parties... do they really have pillow fights in their nighties at those?
Yes. Yes, we do.
46. Is jh sweet and innocent?
Not at all.
47. Is jh whipped?
Should be
48. Are you whipped?
49. Have you ever eaten in the shower?
50. If so, what was it?
A banana
51. What about in a bath?
52. Speaking of baths, how much water do you like(i.e.covering you nearly completely, or just enough to do the job)?
53. How hot do you like your showers?
54. How about your baths?
55. What's your favourite chip(as in, potatoe chip) flavour?
56. What's the best chip dip flavour? Is it good enough to eat without the chips? How about without anything(as in, just on your finger or a spoon)?
57. Do you play with your food?
58. What's the best food combination that makes family and/or friends sick just to think of?
Vinegar and pizza
59. What about you, physically, do you think is the most attractive to the opposite sex?
.....My long tongue???
60. What about you, mentally, do you think is the most attractive to the opposite sex?
I have been told vivacity, but that was a while ago
61. What's your favourite movie in the following categories:
That one with Robin Williams where he dies and goes to heaven
Flying High, Top Secret
Sci Fi?
Star Trek
Bruce Willis one, um...there were like 50,000 sequels..
The Little Mermaid
The Shining
Man, this is hard
Parody(like Scary Movie, and Not Another Teen Movie, or Screach, and Viper)?
Flying High
62. What's the best thing to do for a first date?
I shall remain silent and retain my reputation
63. What about my food surveys?
64. Speaking of food surveys, what's the funniest breakfast cereal name?
Anything American
65. What makes a first date great?
Um....as for 62
66. What about it (the first date) really makes you want to go for the second?
....can I have a glass of water please?
67. What sort of conversation (on the first date) is acceptable (on both ends of the spectrum)?
Anything not too personal or dep
68. What kind of conversation (again, on the first date) is a definite NO (in the terms of, don't even utter the words)?
Spew, snot, I wet my pants, etc
69. When should the standards ("getting to know you" on the first date; to "other stuff"; to "sexual stuff" ) for conversation really change?
When the air starts to grow heavy, the lights dim, and Julio Eglaisias starts singing from behind a pillar..
70. Do you think you could ever be in love on the first date?
I could definatley be In Lust, yes
71. Or is it always eventual, just moving at different rates depending on the person?
72. Do you believe in the concept of soul-mates?
No...but then, yeah, perhaps.
73. So what does this concept entail?
Friends....friends who remain friends no matter what...firends who can tell you the truth wothout you being upset by it...etcetera
74. Are you bound to one person for your entire life, and given the feeling that you have to find that other person?
75. What happens if you cannot find him/her?
You die?
76. Do you go through life time after time until you do find him/her, or is it a one time only thing?
The Circle of Liiiiiiiiife
77. What happens if you find him/her, but you can't be together?
That's just depressing....
78. Do you have more than one?
79. Have you found your soul-mate, or are you still searching?
I would wish that it would be, but it be not, so I do not
80. Do you (or have you been told that you) look like anybody famous?
I have been told I resemble people, yes
81. Do I look like Ben Stiller?
Not really
82. Is a sense of humor neccessary in your girl/guy?
Yes. Best bit!
83. What type of body type/build are you attracted to?
Hmm...dark, neither too tall or too short, handsome is as handsome does.
My son's father was blonde, so I'll just stick to dark with brains.
84. Do you ever find yourself thinking "Gee... Julia Gulia is a funny name. Adam Sandler, you're a smart guy." only to dread getting up in the morning because of the last sentence?
This is still a funny question
85. If you had to choose between Rand, Mat, Perrin, Elayne, Min, Aviendha, Tuon, Galad, Gawyn, Faile ( ), or Egwene, which would it be? (that's not on topic
It's sex/dream stuff
86. How much do you want your woman/man to be like you?
Not at all. I don't really like me
a. Eerily? (are we fraternal twins separated at birth?)
b. Slightly? (we do like some of the same things)
c. Not at all? (why do I love him/her again?)
This one
d. In some ways?
e. as long as he/she can cook, and likes [insert sport name here], I'll be fine.
87. Is Trigger the greatest ever?
88. Who's the first person you think of when you hear a certain song? And what is this song, by the way?
I hear lotsa songs that bring to mind lotsa people
89. Do you think it's romantic if a guy cooks for you?
90. What about breakfast in bed?
91. Do guys need to be able to dance?
92. Do slow dancing and two-stepping count as dances?
93. So would it be okay if a guy could only do those two?
94. What about muscle? Do guys actually have to be buffed? Or is it fine to just not be a wad of fat?(my apologies to those who are)
Depends on the circumstances.
95. What's more romantic: Candle lit (home-made by him)dinner/Long walk under the stars/Something else(please say what it is)?
Just moments you share, could be anywhere at anytime, where everything just seems right and wonderful. Cannot be made, in my opinion. They just happen. Stars are good, though.
96. How many of you women think I'm kissably handsome (check profile)?
You're a hunk of burning love, my man. A hunk of hotfire love.
97. Do you have any idea what is meant by “funnily cute”? Am I “funnily cute”?
Heh. You are cute. Stop fishing. Do we have to do thius every MB or what?
98. Why do women always seem to delight in confusing me? Especially with the references that could be either sexual or completely innocent?
It is always sexual, we just don't want to come across as tarty.
99. So... Are you satisfied with your... umm... your breasts/body(choose one or both to answe)? Do you think your significant other (or possible significant other) is satisfied?
I am not satisfied, and my boobs are nonexistant.
Cecil Smithson rocks!!
~ Right you are, Ken
.:KORY:. .:Joe:.