1. Are you dead?at the moment... *checks* yeah
2. Have you ever been dead? yeah
3. Do you know any dead people? yeah
4. Are you a living dead?yeah
5. Have you ever been a living dead?no
6. Do you know any living dead?yeah
7. Do you have living dead body parts?no
8. If you do what body parts?
9. Is any living dead stalking you?no
10. Are you a stalker?yeah
11. Are you stalking any living dead?no
12. Are you a vampire? yeah
13. Are you a werewolf?no
14. How many living dead or dead people do you think visits wotmania? 73 an 1/2
15. Are the writer of these questions a living dead or a dead person? neither, alive
16. Are everyone dead but think they live?no, some of us are quite dead and know it
Thanks for answering no prob
I hope these questions haven’t made you depressed. whay would they?
Please don’t complain on the grammar. I’m Swedish I haven’t got a clue what grammar is. oh. I'm American, we invent complicated grammar for the sole purpose of destroying it and giving our mothers something to complain about. Rainbow Ajah
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