Active Users:1047 Time:12/03/2025 03:54:58 AM
I'll try. Surveys do tend to make me a bit happier. Rain Sedai - 12/04/2004 10:05:13 PM

1. What is your favorite Christmas carol of all time?

"Silent Night"

2. What's your time in relation to wotmania Time?

5 hours ahead

3. What's your favorite flavour of ice cream?

Mint Chocolate Chip

4. What's your favorite pizza topping?


5. Any funny childhood stories?


Oh. Did you want to know one?

6. What kind of sandwiches are your favourites? Top 3.

Chicken Salad
PB & J
Banana and Butter

7. On what kind of bread?


8. Toasted or normal?


9. Pancakes: What do you like on them?

Fruit and Boysenberry Syrup

10. Ever fall asleep in the shower? Still standing up?

Yes. Then I sat down because I realized what was happening.

11. What's your favourite Iced Tea brand?


12. Or are you one of them freaks who makes their own?

No, no, not me.

13. And what flavour would that be?


14. Which colour scheme do you use?


15. Water or soft drinks?


16. If you could go back in time and change something in your life, any one thing at all, would you?

No. If I did that a lot of great things would not have happened to me. I might have avoided some calamities, but the good things make it all worth it.

17. And if you would, what would you change?

I wouldn't but if I did, I would have either Jonathan or James not die.

18. If you could go back to your early childhood knowing what you know now, what would you do differently? Or would you keep your life the same?

The same, again.

19. What's the grossest pizza topping ever?


20. What do you think of me? Am I a jackass? Funny? Smart?

You're a nice guy - I wish I knew you better. I find you both funny and smart, but I'm shy and self-conscious, so I don't usually tell people that.

But yeah you're nice.

21. Any self-proclaimed losers at wotmania?

I can be a loser, yes.

22. Any losers in general?

All over the place.

23. Do you have a "crush"(not exactly that, since a crush is like infatuation, which is physical) on anyone at wotmania? If so, who? If not... uhh... yeah.

No, but I find some people here crush worthy.

24. Have you ever been in love?


25. Are you in love now?


26. Have you found your soul-mate?

In a sense yes....I've only met three people in life that I thought were perfect for me. I'm with Chandler now, and my best friend Malcolm died a few years ago, and of course, James...

27. What's the difference between love and infatuation?

Love is when you know that the only thing holding you together is them and infatuation is a passing obsession...

28. What's the difference between love and true love?

I really can't say.

29. Do you even believe in the concept of true love?


30. Have you found your true love?


31. Worst pick-up line?

I can't think of any.

32. How ‘bout some good things to say to women to really flatter them?

"You should eat more, you're so tiny!" I love that.

33. What's your favourite...

breakfast cereal?

Cinnamon Toast Crunch. (The taste you can see!)




Key Lime Pie

pie flavour?

Key Lime, lol.

dougnut filler?


hotdog condement(s)?

Mustard and Relish

ham/cheeseburger condement(s)?

Mustard and Miracle Whip

soft drink?

Don't drink them anymore, but used to be Diet Coke.



pancake flavour?


sundae flavour?


34. Spicy or mild?


35. Sweet or bitter?


36. What's best meal you've ever eaten at a restaurant?

Little place in France, an amazing fruit salad.

37. What's the best home-made meal someone's made for you?

Black-eyed peas, pan-bake cornbread, and fried chicken.

38. Coke or Pepsi?


39. Do you like whipped cream?


40. In hot chocolate?


41. How ‘bout marshmallows?


42. Am I whipped?

I don't know, are you?

43. What's your favourite part of the opposite sex?

Hands and shoulders.

44. I'm useless. Anyone have any ideas?

I hear it's incurable.

45. Slumber parties... do they really have pillow fights in their nighties at those?


46. Is jh sweet and innocent?

Where did you hear that?!

47. Is jh whipped?

Is he?

48. Are you whipped?


49. Have you ever eaten in the shower?

Yeah. Ha. Good times.

50. If so, what was it?

Cookie, chocolate, fruit, toast, and that's not even the beginning.

51. What about in a bath?


52. Speaking of baths, how much water do you like(i.e.covering you nearly completely, or just enough to do the job)?

A lot. Almost enough to overflow the tub.

53. How hot do you like your showers?

Very hot.

54. How about your baths?

Also hot.

55. What's your favourite chip(as in, potatoe chip) flavour?

Sour Cream and Onion

56. What's the best chip dip flavour? Is it good enough to eat without the chips? How about without anything(as in, just on your finger or a spoon)?

Bean Dip. Yes, it is, and yes, it is.

57. Do you play with your food?


58. What's the best food combination that makes family and/or friends sick just to think of?

Peanut butter chicken. So good.

59. What about you, physically, do you think is the most attractive to the opposite sex?


60. What about you, mentally, do you think is the most attractive to the opposite sex?

Wit, Sarcasm.

61. What's your favourite movie in the following categories:


Steel Magnolias


Bend It Like Beckham

Sci Fi?

The Fifth Element


Jurassic Park


Finding Nemo.


Indiana Jones.


Don't really watch horror.



Parody(like Scary Movie, and Not Another Teen Movie, or Screach, and Viper)?

No idea.

62. What's the best thing to do for a first date?

Always love the coffeeshop.

63. What about my food surveys?

Couldn't love them more.

64. Speaking of food surveys, what's the funniest breakfast cereal name?

Toucan O's. Generic Fruit Loops...

65. What makes a first date great?


66. What about it (the first date) really makes you want to go for the second?

Usually the person's attitude about the whole thing.

67. What sort of conversation (on the first date) is acceptable (on both ends of the spectrum)?

I'll take practically anything. Usualy I test the other person to see what they can handle.

68. What kind of conversation (again, on the first date) is a definite NO (in the terms of, don't even utter the words)?

I don't ever mention other women, marriage, or kids...

69. When should the standards ("getting to know you" on the first date; to "other stuff"; to "sexual stuff" ) for conversation really change?

These questions are too hard.

70. Do you think you could ever be in love on the first date?


71. Or is it always eventual, just moving at different rates depending on the person?

No, it can happen quickly, believe me.

72. Do you believe in the concept of soul-mates?

Yes, in a sense.

73. So what does this concept entail?

I'm not really good at explaining it...

74. Are you bound to one person for your entire life, and given the feeling that you have to find that other person?

No...I believe there are "potential" soulmates for you in life, and your decisions and choices shape who you end up with.

75. What happens if you cannot find him/her?

Kind of explained above.

76. Do you go through life time after time until you do find him/her, or is it a one time only thing?

I think its more fo a one time thing.

77. What happens if you find him/her, but you can't be together?

Then that's a potential one that doesn't quite work.

78. Do you have more than one?


79. Have you found your soul-mate, or are you still searching?

I have, yes.

80. Do you (or have you been told that you) look like anybody famous?

I've been told Jodie Foster and Julia Stiles, etc.

81. Do I look like Ben Stiller?

I never thought about it.

82. Is a sense of humor neccessary in your girl/guy?

Yes, absolutely.

83. What type of body type/build are you attracted to?

Thin, really thin.

84. Do you ever find yourself thinking "Gee... Julia Gulia is a funny name. Adam Sandler, you're a smart guy." only to dread getting up in the morning because of the last sentence?

No, I do not. I pity you.

85. If you had to choose between Rand, Mat, Perrin, Elayne, Min, Aviendha, Tuon, Galad, Gawyn, Faile ( ), or Egwene, which would it be? (that's not on topic It's sex/dream stuff )

Mat, easily.

86. How much do you want your woman/man to be like you?

In some ways. I don't want a carbon copy of myself.

87. Is Trigger the greatest ever?

Of course!

88. Who's the first person you think of when you hear a certain song? And what is this song, by the way?

"Invisible" Steven
"Last Dance With Mary Jane" Caroline

And others I'm sure...


89. Do you think it's romantic if a guy cooks for you?


90. What about breakfast in bed?

Oh I hate that. Then there are crumbs in bed.

91. Do guys need to be able to dance?

As long as they are willing to be taught, not initially.

92. Do slow dancing and two-stepping count as dances?


93. So would it be okay if a guy could only do those two?


94. What about muscle? Do guys actually have to be buffed? Or is it fine to just not be a wad of fat?(my apologies to those who are)


95. What's more romantic: Candle lit (home-made by him)dinner/Long walk under the stars/Something else(please say what it is)?

Long walk.

96. How many of you women think I'm kissably handsome (check profile)?


97. Do you have any idea what is meant by “funnily cute†? Am I “funnily cute†?

Yes and yes.

98. Why do women always seem to delight in confusing me? Especially with the references that could be either sexual or completely innocent?

Women like to do that to all men.

99. So... Are you satisfied with your... umm... your breasts/body(choose one or both to answer)? Do you think your significant other (or possible significant other) is satisfied?

Yes as far as body, no to breasts. I don't think they are big enough. Yes, my husband loves me just how I am.

Hope you had fun

I did.


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120 Recycled Qestions From Good Old Patented farmboy Surveys... - 12/04/2004 04:46:36 PM 386 Views
That was only 100. - 12/04/2004 04:53:53 PM 24 Views
Actually... - 12/04/2004 04:59:15 PM 1 Views
Too many questions! UGH! *NM* - 12/04/2004 05:09:22 PM 10 Views
Get picky - 12/04/2004 05:10:35 PM 1 Views
LoL! - 12/04/2004 05:14:37 PM 1 Views
Ok you talked me into it. *goes off to do survey* *NM* - 12/04/2004 05:25:40 PM 1 Views
120 ?? You gotta be kiddin - 12/04/2004 05:31:11 PM 26 Views
Yup - 12/04/2004 05:32:53 PM 1 Views
Sweet! - 12/04/2004 05:33:26 PM 1 Views
Re: 120 Recycled Qestions From Good Old Patented farmboy Surveys... - 12/04/2004 05:39:45 PM 17 Views
gah, I am too lazy to answer all of those questions. - 12/04/2004 06:17:44 PM 1 Views
let's see how many i can answer in ten minutes. - 12/04/2004 06:23:19 PM 22 Views
- 12/04/2004 06:23:56 PM 1 Views
Well... considering these two replies... - 12/04/2004 06:39:24 PM 1 Views
Well, I'll do my best... - 12/04/2004 07:15:47 PM 37 Views
so many questions! - 12/04/2004 07:29:43 PM 26 Views
- 12/04/2004 07:45:28 PM 1 Views
- 12/04/2004 08:14:07 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 12/04/2004 08:20:29 PM 1 Views
That's a lot of questions... - 12/04/2004 08:30:26 PM 12 Views
Re: - 12/04/2004 08:35:46 PM 1 Views
Yeah, it is... - 12/04/2004 08:36:40 PM 1 Views
Re: - 12/04/2004 08:50:48 PM 1 Views
Re: - 12/04/2004 09:05:32 PM 1 Views
Wow, here we go. - 12/04/2004 09:08:01 PM 19 Views
- 12/04/2004 09:12:05 PM 1 Views
Now, you see... - 12/04/2004 09:21:08 PM 1 Views
You mean sprinkles? - 12/04/2004 09:22:31 PM 1 Views
Oh. Well bugger. *NM* - 12/04/2004 09:30:08 PM 1 Views
you're so lucky i'm bored - 12/04/2004 09:33:55 PM 23 Views
No, thank you... - 12/04/2004 09:35:48 PM 1 Views
Oh, well I did not even mean that... gah. *NM* - 12/04/2004 09:39:32 PM 1 Views
I love it when you're bored... - 12/04/2004 10:03:50 PM 1 Views
- 12/04/2004 10:04:49 PM 1 Views
I'll try. Surveys do tend to make me a bit happier. - 12/04/2004 10:05:13 PM 25 Views
lol i just love surveys! - 12/04/2004 10:17:48 PM 1 Views
Re: lol i just love surveys! - 12/04/2004 10:36:41 PM 1 Views
Re: lol i just love surveys! - 12/04/2004 10:45:21 PM 1 Views
Re: lol i just love surveys! - 12/04/2004 10:58:34 PM 1 Views
How many times can they be recycled? - 13/04/2004 06:49:21 AM 26 Views
I thought that was quite obvious... - 13/04/2004 09:38:15 AM 1 Views
*grins* - 13/04/2004 09:57:21 AM 1 Views
That's the second time you've recycled most of these.... - 13/04/2004 11:56:31 AM 12 Views
Well for the record dude - 13/04/2004 01:05:25 PM 1 Views
I haven't really been observing... - 13/04/2004 04:00:06 PM 1 Views
Oh, I understand... - 13/04/2004 04:02:38 PM 1 Views
Pssh I dont see why - 13/04/2004 04:26:32 PM 1 Views
That must be it - 13/04/2004 06:10:03 PM 1 Views
Re: Yeah, it is... - 13/04/2004 06:25:25 PM 1 Views
Re: Yeah, it is... - 13/04/2004 09:23:26 PM 1 Views
god everyone says that to me! - 13/04/2004 10:28:42 PM 1 Views
Okay, that makes me feel better... - 13/04/2004 11:16:44 PM 1 Views
lol glad i can help - 14/04/2004 01:22:48 PM 1 Views
- 14/04/2004 02:33:38 PM 1 Views
Isnt that what happened? - 14/04/2004 02:39:20 PM 1 Views
Sort of... But you weren't my best friend - 14/04/2004 02:55:16 PM 1 Views
Far from it, at the time - 14/04/2004 03:19:18 PM 1 Views
Exactly - 14/04/2004 03:27:31 PM 1 Views
Re: Yeah, it is... - 14/04/2004 04:50:03 PM 1 Views
It still is - 14/04/2004 04:57:34 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 14/04/2004 07:52:41 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 15/04/2004 05:32:30 AM 1 Views
Re: Now, you see... - 15/04/2004 10:19:27 PM 1 Views
I suppose... - 15/04/2004 10:36:19 PM 1 Views
Re: It still is - 16/04/2004 08:27:13 PM 1 Views
Re: I suppose... - 16/04/2004 08:54:11 PM 1 Views
Silje... - 17/04/2004 04:56:13 AM 1 Views
I see... - 17/04/2004 04:56:52 AM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 17/04/2004 03:07:24 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 18/04/2004 01:18:58 AM 1 Views
Ah, I see... - 18/04/2004 03:45:04 PM 1 Views
I want to learn Swedish as well... - 18/04/2004 04:54:48 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 18/04/2004 07:03:21 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 19/04/2004 08:56:16 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 19/04/2004 10:31:02 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 20/04/2004 12:01:03 AM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 20/04/2004 06:49:28 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 20/04/2004 10:22:30 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 21/04/2004 06:30:31 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 21/04/2004 11:21:18 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 22/04/2004 10:48:39 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 23/04/2004 04:21:47 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 23/04/2004 08:19:34 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 24/04/2004 01:02:47 AM 1 Views
Re: I see... - 24/04/2004 07:30:58 PM 1 Views
Re: I see... - 24/04/2004 08:16:33 PM 1 Views
Swedish is fun... - 25/04/2004 03:16:14 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 25/04/2004 04:21:45 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 25/04/2004 05:40:08 PM 1 Views
*NM* - 25/04/2004 05:42:03 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 25/04/2004 05:52:25 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 26/04/2004 06:33:07 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 26/04/2004 07:25:16 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 26/04/2004 09:22:03 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 27/04/2004 10:54:49 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 27/04/2004 11:40:39 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 28/04/2004 07:08:50 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 28/04/2004 09:49:30 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 30/04/2004 07:14:04 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 30/04/2004 11:54:34 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 01/05/2004 10:42:46 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 02/05/2004 12:53:36 AM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 02/05/2004 07:23:40 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 03/05/2004 01:37:41 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 03/05/2004 06:37:34 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 04/05/2004 03:10:30 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 04/05/2004 07:07:37 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 05/05/2004 12:21:08 PM 1 Views
Re: so many questions! - 05/05/2004 10:51:41 PM 1 Views