Helps to keep the MB a hopping and a bopping and a... well alive.
Gena Sedai
Gena, baby! You gotta give props to someone who is willing to listen to me ramble on about Halle Berry in ever freaking post! Seriously, give our Sex Survey Smithy some props! I'm handing her the printer from Office Space and Sir Robin's shield from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. GENA RULES!!!
Undeniably a wotmania bigwig.
So damn legendary there are pimply hippies making folk songs about him as we speak. Really.
globug0822Glo!!! Chat Idol, with benefits Hee hee hee. Glo is awesome in every way. Yes every way. She's funny, she's cool. She makes Julliene's Fries! Glo's a great friend o' mine and I don't think I'd keep going to chat without her there.
golden_lilyA nice chatter. Cool person, I tell you what.
Green LanternAnother cool chatter, this one with a bit of an ego.
Yet another great chatter. Conversations aplenty, heh heh.
hzurrOCWIATJ member. Nuff said, he's awesome.
IamFarDareisMaiJess! Jess is sexy. Jess is wise. Jess is Jess. Pure and simple, she's a Chat Idol of mine. And she has a quote from me in her sig right now. Woo hoo!
ironcladOne of the most solid members of both the Chat Room and the MB. All around cool, and funny. Aw yeah.
Yeah, it'll be more like the best MadTV sketch ever made ever. The one that you watch a go "Um, that sketch was way too funny to be on MadTV." ~ Sore Thumbs
Stossville Zombie Incident: Episode One