And even if I did, it would always be as a it might fault she distrusts my love and evotion?
First on the extreme makeover tasks is for you to go get spelling training. A search of our records indicates that the original issue that caused the lady's opinion of Snoop Mk. 1 was entirely due to a misunderstanding. The misunderstanding was caused by your atrocious spelling.
Apparently she thought you said "I think the Irish are great fools.", when you meant "I think the Irish are great with tools"
*checks wallet* Do you think one pound fifty three will do? No?
In a word? No.
Looks like it's option A then....
Snoop Reborn it is. What an apposite title for this website
The Old Man of Oz
Object of Desire (retired)
The People's Front For Wongy Jnr.
"I blame Alric"